Get Natural in the Nursery with Green Works

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#NaturallyClean #CollectiveBias

I looked at the calendar yesterday and realized I have less than ten weeks until my little man arrives.  Ten weeks y’all.  I’m freaking out a bit here.  There is still so much to do and I’m hoping and praying I have time for it all.  Thankfully, nesting mode has finally set in and all I want to do is scrub everything in the house down every hour of every day.  I’m sure Chris thinks I’m crazy when he finds me on my hands and knees at ten o’clock at night scrubbing the baseboard in the baby’s room, but hey, it has to get done!  And at least my poor house is finally getting clean, I’ve neglected it for so long that I’m kind of embarrassed at the state of things right now.

Gain a mother's peace of mind and use Green Works natural cleaning products to keep a new baby's nursery spotless and chemical-free! Great for those late night nesting sprees that always seem to be never-ending!

While this sudden burst of cleanliness is a welcome change, the only room that is truly getting the brunt of my craziness is the nursery.  Before getting pregnant I never really thought about the things I was bringing in the house, but now that is all I think about when I’m at the store.  There is going to be another little person that I’m responsible for that will be breathing in whatever chemicals I decide to clean with on a daily basis, it’s not going to be just Chris and I anymore.  I never embraced the naturally clean lifestyle before now but I think it’s time.  A baby really makes you reevaluate all the things you’ve done.  And I want to provide the cleanest and safest environment for him to come home to.

Over the weekend I talked Chris into going out and buying some furniture for the nursery.  I’ve been pretty careful about what I ask of him, because I know he’s still a little bit bummed about loosing his office space in order to give the baby his own room.  Not that he’d ever say it to me, but I do know he misses having his own separate space for gaming and internet surfing at three in the morning.  Nevertheless, he agreed and I got to pick out a few things that I love.  But before we could even start putting them in the room I told Chris I had to clean it out first.  Because well….priorities.

And because I want to be completely honest with y’all, I haven’t properly cleaned out this room in forever.  Case and point.

Gross right?  Thank goodness my Green Works products from Target were there to save the day!  They are completely chemical-free so I felt great about giving the nursery a complete scrub down.  And scrub down I did.  From the windowsills, to the furniture, to the baseboard that room is clean.  I even got a little bit of laundry going at one point.

Gain a mother's peace of mind and use Green Works natural cleaning products to keep a new baby's nursery spotless and chemical-free! Great for those late night nesting sprees that always seem to be never-ending!

And I am super excited about the laundry detergent because it’s great for sensitive skin!  So now I can put him in all these adorable clothes that my mom and I bought a while back without fearing a skin flare-up if his skin is super sensitive like mine (no lie, this kid already has more clothes than I do.  It’s a little unfair).

One other thing I was able to get done this weekend was get my breast pump ready.  Who knows whether I’ll be able to breastfeed but I hope that I can.  And I know that I needed to properly sanitize it before the baby comes!  But after doing a ton of dishes my kitchen sink was kind of gross, and I needed to give it a proper scrub down before even attempting to sanitize the pump parts.

Gain a mother's peace of mind and use Green Works natural cleaning products to keep a new baby's nursery spotless and chemical-free! Great for those late night nesting sprees that always seem to be never-ending!

I may have left the parts soaking in the soapy water for a little longer than recommended, but I figure that’s okay.  At least I know they’re really clean and ready to use!  And of course, the fact that all the Green Works products I used were chemical-free made me feel a little bit better about leaving them in their bath.

While the nursery is still a work-in-progress I’m finally starting to feel a little bit better about the state of things.  Now that most of the furniture is set up and things are somewhat clean I can really focus on the fun part: decorating!  I mean, I’ll still clean like a mad-woman until the baby is here but at least I can rest a little easier knowing that I put a dent in it over the weekend!

Gain a mother's peace of mind and use Green Works natural cleaning products to keep a new baby's nursery spotless and chemical-free! Great for those late night nesting sprees that always seem to be never-ending!

If you’re looking for products that will make your home naturally clean, you can pick up any Green Works product exclusively at Target.  I found mine back with the other cleaning products but had to look for a bit because they were sitting on the bottom shelf.  If you’re heading in to Target this week you can pick up any three Green Works products for $8!  That is an awesome deal!

Gain a mother's peace of mind and use Green Works natural cleaning products to keep a new baby's nursery spotless and chemical-free! Great for those late night nesting sprees that always seem to be never-ending!

This post contains affiliate links. I may earn commission from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. I will never recommend a product I don’t use or trust.

When did you start nesting in your pregnancy?  Were you crazy about natural cleaning products too?


    1. I had never heard of them before but after using the different products I love them! They’re super easy on sensitive skin like mine too which is a huge plus. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, Paris!

    1. I definitely wouldn’t let my children use the cleaners I used to use either! I hope you like this brand better!

  1. It’s scary how many things have chemicals that our children are subject to. This is great for the nursery. One of my favorite cleaners.

  2. We currently use Method products for all our household cleaning, but I’m always looking for new products to love! I will have to give these a try. It seems like they really do work! 🙂

  3. Haha…my wife is totally in the nesting phase right now, too! (And like your husband, I am also losing my office space to the baby…) I loved this post…thanks for sharing! #client

    1. Thank you David! I’m sure it’s so hard for you to be loosing your office space too, my husband is so bummed. I hope your wife is doing well! Congratulations on your little one that’s on the way!

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