
I exclusively use two machines: the Silhouette Cameo 4 and the Xtool M1 laser engraver and vinyl cutter.

Most of the crafts on the blog are made with my Silhouette Cameo 4. This machine can cut vinyl, paper, fabric and more.

The Xtool M1 is a laser cutter that can cut through acrylic and wood. But it also has a blade that can cut through leather, vinyl, paper and more.

Back in 2011 I actually owned the Cricut Expressions machine. I was newly engaged and wanted to make things for my wedding, the kicker was I could only use the designs on the cartridges I had to buy separately for the machine.

About a year after getting married I floated the idea of getting a Silhouette to my husband and never looked back. I find the Silhouette software to be more intuitive and easier to use overall. There is a bit of a learning curve like with anything else at the beginning, but once you get the hang of it it is very easy to use.

I always suggest downloading the software for both machines and trying them out before picking one to buy!

We all run in to issues every now and again with our machines. The most frustrating for me is when the print and cut registration marks won’t work or the blade rips my paper when cutting it. These are a few of my favorite posts to help you get your craft project back on track.


I take all of the photos for Simply Made Fun.. There’s a chance that if I’m in the photo, someone else – either my husband or another photographer – took the photo.

Any photos from another blog or website – mostly in round-up posts – have been fully credited to their original source and should be pinned accordingly.

I am currently using a Nikon d750 with a 24-70mm lens or an 85mm lens. I am constantly learning how to take better photos but I exclusively shoot in Manual Mode to get the best results.


I’d love for you to ask permission if you’d like to use a photo. Please send me an email or fill out the form on my contact page, letting me know how you plan to use it, and I’ll get back to use as soon as possible. If I’ve already given you permission, please make sure to credit with a link back to the original recipe’s post (not just my homepage).