July Photo Challenge: Week One

This month, the Photo Ladies are participating in another photo challenge.  The goal is to get out from behind the camera and into the memories with your families.  I’m hoping to expand our knowledge from the original lessons from No Bad Foto and to get us to get out and use our cameras more.  I find that I do better and practice more when I have monthly goals.  Are you the same way?

Get out from behind that camera! Photo challenge

The prompts for this week were…

  • July 1st: Self Portrait
  • July 2nd: Lines
  • July 3rd: Backlight
  • July 4th: Action
  • July 5th: Bokeh

You can find the entire calendar with all the photo prompts here.

Here are my portraits from this week!  Enjoy!

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 Self Portrait:

self portrait

One of my favorite things to do while drinking coffee is to read a book on my Kindle.  I’m currently in an online book club and am a little behind on the book we’re supposed to have finished.  Oops!  So I’ve been trying to catch up the past few days.  (and you may or may not recognize this top from my 3rd Stitch Fix box!  I’m obsessed, it’s so comfortable!)



I took maternity photos for a friend last week and I was so excited about how they came out!  It was my first photo shoot and I really enjoyed myself.


Maternity Photo Shoot at Algonkian Park

I originally said I was not going to use the same subject two days in a row, but the backlight in this photo is just perfect.  And so is the model!


Action Shot

My niece turned one on July 1st and we had so much fun celebrating her birthday!  I have to say, there is nothing cuter than watching a baby eat cake.



I can honestly say now that while I love the look of bokeh, I hate photographing it.  This was the hardest picture to take!  It took a lot of setting up, figuring out the right angle, trying to get the lights in the back to blur just right, etc.  And it still isn’t perfect!

What do you think?

If you’re following along with the photo prompts, which one did you find most challenging?


  1. Love the photos! Thanks for the link to the online photography course. I will definitely try this one out … SOON!


    1. Thank you, Stacy! I hope you find the photography course helpful. I really enjoyed learning from it!

    1. Thank you, Skye! That photo was so frustrating for me, but I think it was because I was envisioning it a certain way and it just wasn’t happening for me. That is awesome that you are taking 10 photos a day! Do you have an SLR? I’m so impressed because I’m lucky if I take more than one. haha

  2. I love the pictures and the challenge with the photography as well! I LOVE pictures and have been called The Picture Queen before due to the number of pictures I take, especially of my family and friends. I do so love landscape photography also! My daughter is getting into photography now also and has her first DSLR at age 17. I will tell her about the challenge!

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Shirley! I get called the Paparazzi a lot because of how many photos I take at family events. haha I love it though and I love capturing fun moments. That’s so great that your daughter has a love of photography as well. I hope she participates with us! It’s a lot of fun!

  3. I think your photos are great! I especially love the one of your niece shoving the cake into her mouth! I love them all – Great job!

    1. Thank you, Alli! I love that one too, it cracks me up every time I look at it! haha Thank you for stopping by!

  4. Oh, what a fun challenge! I’d love to follow along and work on my terrible photo skills! You photos are awesome! My fav is your friend sitting next to the water.

    1. Thank you, Shirley! We’d love to have you follow along with us! You can join the group at any time. 🙂

    1. Bokeh was the worst! I think because I had a specific picture in my head of what I wanted it to look like, I was really disappointed in the way it turned out. I guess I just need more practice! 🙂

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