Crafty Wife 2014 Reader Survey

I just wanted to take a second and invite you to take part in the Crafty Wife Reader Survey.  This is the first survey I have ever done (and hopefully not the last!) and I am excited to hear your thoughts and opinions on the blog and what you want to see here.

Click here to fill out a 15 question survey to improve the content of Crafty Wife!

This post contains affiliate links. I may earn commission from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. I will never recommend a product I don’t use or trust.

Why a Reader Survey?

Without you, Crafty Wife wouldn’t exist.  Well, that’s probably not true.  I love blogging and I love it as an outlet so I know I would still do it without a following, it just wouldn’t be as fun! So I want to make sure my content is covering topics you want to read and answering questions you’d like answered!

It will only take five minutes of your time to answer the survey and it will make such a huge impact on the blog if you do!  It tells me what you want to read more of, read less of, and what keeps you coming back.

It basically is a way for you to tell me what you’re looking for out of this site and what I can be doing to improve your experience here.

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So, if you have a few extra minutes I’d love to hear from you!  The survey is fifteen questions long (they’re quick, I promise!) and all you have to do is click here (or on one of the links above) to participate!

Thank you for taking a few moments out of your day to give me some feedback.  I can’t wait to hear from you!

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