July Photo Challenge: Week Two

Sorry I am a little bit late on getting my photos from the week two challenge up! We were away for a wedding and trying to edit pictures on my laptop is a major pain, so I just waited until we got home to get it done.

How are you doing with the challenge? Having fun? Or finding it a little stressful to try to capture a picture a day? I’m in the middle, I love it but I also find it a bit stressful sometimes!

Get out from behind that camera! Photo challenge

The photo prompts for this week were:

  • July 6th: At an angle
  • July 7th: Distance
  • July 8th: ISO 800
  • July 9th: Low aperture
  • July 10th: Minimalist
  • July 11th: Looking up
  • July 12th: Direct Sunlight

Here are my photos for the week.  Enjoy!

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At an angle:

This was the front of the hotel we stayed at in California. I wanted to try the Fisheye effect in Lightroom...and this is what I came up with.
This was the front of the hotel we stayed at in California. I wanted to try the Fisheye effect in Lightroom…and this is what I came up with.


Some people don't agree, but I love the landscape in California.  The mountains are amazing.
Some people don’t agree, but I love the landscape in California. The mountains are amazing.

ISO 800:

This area was back in the middle of the hotel, very peaceful and tranquil...until you heard kids screaming and splashing in the pool next door!  ha!
This area was back in the middle of the hotel, very peaceful and tranquil…until you heard kids screaming and splashing in the pool next door! ha!

Low Aperture:

Another photo from the hotel we stayed at in California.  It was a Garden themed hotel which made it perfect for pictures.
Another photo from the hotel we stayed at in California. It was a Garden themed hotel which made it perfect for pictures.


This cross sat on top of one of the buildings at Stanford University.
This cross sat on top of one of the buildings at Stanford University.

Looking Up:

This was a happy accident.  There were birds flying all over, and I just happened to look up, pan my camera after the bird, and quickly captured the shot.  It turned out fantastic and I absolutely love it!
This was a happy accident. There were birds flying all over and I just happened to look up, pan my camera after the bird and quickly captured the shot. It turned out fantastic and I absolutely love it!

Direct Sunlight:

This may qualify more as backlight, but I just love this picture.  There is a statue garden at Stanford we got to see, and these three men represent
This may qualify more as backlight, but I just love this picture. There is a statue garden at Stanford we got to see, and I really loved the Three Shades statue the best.

This is the Gates of Hell from the Sculpture Garden at Stanford.
This is the Gates of Hell from the Sculpture Garden at Stanford.

The fun thing about this challenge was that we were in California for a friend’s wedding, so I was able to use the prompts as a way to get creative with pictures that I cannot normally capture in my home state.  I really loved Palo Alto and can’t wait to share more pictures with you!

You can find the list of photo prompts for the month of July here.

You can sign up to join us here and take a look at all of our photographs here.

And you can find the very first photo challenge results here.

What do you think?

Which picture is your favorite?  I am really loving the HDR edits so every photo I was able to do that to is my favorite for the moment.


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