Social Media Mixer #8

Welcome to the 8th week of the Social Media Mixer, a brand new social media link-up started when the Weekday Mixer and Social Media Sunday joined forces. Thank you to everyone who joined us for Week 7 – we had 141 blogs and numerous social media link-ups!

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The Social Media Mixer is all about networking and making connections. Also, you can gain exposure and increase your social media following! Link up your social media accounts and mix it up with some of the other linkers. Each week, the Weekday Mixer will start on Saturday nights at 8:00pm and go on until Thursday night at 11:59pm. One linker will be chosen each week each of the hosts and guest hosts and featured in the following week’s link-up! If chosen, a brief summary about yourself and your blog/website and all of your social media accounts will be featured. It’s a great way to stand out among the crowd!

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Welcome your hosts!



Natasha from Epic Mommy Adventures | Angel from Sew Crafty Angel | Cathy from A Peek Into My Paradise | Teresa from Crafty Wife | Julia from Minivan Dreams | | Liz from Look by Liz Lewis | Kaitlyn from Three Sisters and Us | Shana from Technotini | Anni from Grapefruit Princess | Tiffany from Mrs Tee Love Life Laughter | Ce Ce from A Chicago Mom | Jillian from Baby Doodah | Holly from Southern Mom Loves

And welcome your guest hosts for July!

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Bonnie from LadyBlogger | Chelsea from That’s So Chelish… | Tara from Anything & Everything | Aysh from Words n Needles | Amanda from Old House to New Home | Krissy from Hot Commodity | Jen from Twenties Chic | Victoria from Giveaways 4 Mom | Maria from Simple Nature Decor | Breanna from Brepurposed

And here are the Featured bloggers from last week’s Social Media Mixer…

Breanna chose…


Wirl Mamas

The story of Wirl Mamas came about when four moms decided there needed to be a site where real people can go to find real answers, interact with others and escape the everyday pressures of being a superhero. There needed to be a place where the “unspoken” lived and the “stories they never tell you” finally come out. After chatting over numerous playdates and coffee breaks we came up with the idea to share with the world What Its Really Like (WIRL) to be a Mama, Moma-to-be and/or a parent on one all-inclusive website. We found that it was exhausting to search forum after forum, page after page just to come up with a whole lot of jumbled thoughts that confused us even more, who has time for that? Instead, we created our blog to inform and connect with others, always sharing our honest opinions about what it was really like for us, even when its not pretty.

Blog | Pinterest | Instagram | Facebook

Amanda chose…


Krafts & Kiddos

Hi There, I’m Heather! Welcome to Krafts & Kiddos. A family blog about A Mama Running on Lots of Love, Laughter, and Coffee! I’m so glad you’re here! I love crafting with my kids, decorating, & baking. Most of all, I love being a busy stay at home mama. Did I mention, I LOVE coffee…

Blog | Facebook | Pinterest | Instagram | Google+ | Twitter | Bloglovin

Anni and Chelsea chose…


Crafty Lumberjacks

We’re Andrew and Dennis. We met while traveling together on the National Tour of Fiddler on the Roof! We’re HUGE holiday enthusiasts and love to craft! Hopefully we can help with some inspiration from our apartment to yours.

Blog | Bloglovin | Pinterest | Twitter

Holly chose…


Sew Sew Neat

On Sew Sew Neat, I try to present posts that are simple enough for even the beginning sewer to make. Travel along my journey of sewing or re-purposing everything one stitch at a time.

Blog | Twitter

Victoria, Ce Ce, and Aysh chose…


Just Mi!

I’ve been blogging for a little over a year now. I realize that people are looking at this page to get a picture of who I am, so I want to keep it current. I don’t consider myself new to blogging anymore, but I definitely haven’t had the time to devote to my blogging like I’ve wanted to. There are still a lot of things I have to learn about blogging, but that’s what makes it exciting! The original intent of my blog was to chronicle my hair journey. I’ve also taken to blogging about myself and some of the things I get into in my every day life. My blog is like a diary. I like to explore myself here and share that with you. My life is changing daily and I’ll use my blog to talk about it! So stay tuned!! I’m about to take you all on a joy ride!

Blog | Twitter | Google+ | Instagram | StumbleUpon | Bloglovin | Facebook | Pinterest

Maria chose…



Teresa is the author of several books including The Knot at the End of Your Rope; Ten Ways to Hold on When You are Stressed Out and Mom: PhD-A Simple 6 Step course on Leadership for Moms. She was a major contributor to Humor for a Teacher’s Heart and Cup of Comfort Devotional: Daily Reminders of God’s Love and Grace. She also authored four Precious Moments books that were illustrated by Sam Butcher.

Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | Pinterest

Jillian chose…


Cents and Order

Welcome to my blog! You’ll find posts about personal finance such as: budgeting, money saving tips, debt strategies, and credit repair. Do you feel like you’re surrounded by chaos? Life in disarray? You’ll also find organization tips, cool printables, and time saving techniques. And if you are fond of technology and digital organization, you’ll find tips for that too.

Blog | Pinterest | Facebook | Twitter | Bloglovin

Teresa chose…


My Creative Days

Hello! I’m Lindsay and I am thrilled you are here on My Creative Days! I started this little blog in April of 2013. I wanted an outlet to let my creative juices flow. I love to be creative in my day, my home and with my kids. I am obsessed with old wood, rusty treasures and everything in between. Finding frugal and creative ways to decorate our home, create a fun craft or do an activity with the kids is a passion of mine. And now, being able to express my ideas on this blog is a dream come true.

Blog | Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram | Bloglovin

Tara chose…


Dwell Beautiful

Hey all, I’m Erica, the blogger behind Dwell Beautiful. My husband, Nate, and I just bought a house for us and our two rambunctious kitties! This blog is place for me to showcase updates we do to our home as well as current design trends, craft tutorials, and home owner advice. I specialize in home makeovers and tutorials for those on a budget. Enjoy!

Blog | Facebook | Google+ | Instagram | LinkedIn | Pinterest | StumbleUpon | Twitter | Bloglovin

Jen chose…


A Mothers Shadow

Hi, I am Car­rie and founder of ‘A Mother’s Shadow’. I have been mar­ried to my sweet­heart, Stan, for over 30 years and am the proud mother of 5 with a won­der­ful grow­ing pos­ter­ity of daughters-in-law, son-in-law and ter­rific grandchildren. Over the years I have been involved in my church, Cub and Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4-H, the com­mu­nity, all the schools my chil­dren have attended, PTA and have vol­un­teered in many other worth­while endeav­ors. All of these expe­ri­ences have helped and taught me in many ways.

Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest

Natasha chose…

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After Eleven

After Eleven: a blog created to journal life’s precious moments with hopes of one day passing it down to my kiddos. I want my kids to be able to look back at memories of their childhood. (and we all know scrapbooking just isn’t keeping up with today’s technology…so I chose this route). When they wonder what the style was “back then” they can just look back at this blog on my W.I.W. posts and be able to laugh at the ridiculous things I wore. I want them to be able to see love stories about their mom and dad. I want them to be able to look back and read the things that were on my heart at certain seasons in life and how each situation was handled. Along the way of creating this fun little journal for my family, I hope to make some new blogging buddies!

Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Bloglovin | Instagram

If you were featured above, feel free to share the badge below with pride on your blog or website!

Social Media Mixer
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Social Media Mixer" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Social Media Mixer" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Are you ready to start mixing it up?? Then, let’s go!

Make sure to add the button below to your sidebar to invite even more people to join the fun!

Epic Mommy Adventures
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Epic Mommy Adventures" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Epic Mommy Adventures" style="border:none;" /></a></div>


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Link up your awesome posts here!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

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