Affording Disney

I was having a discussion with a friend last week on how Chris and I are able to afford to go to Disney as often as we do.  I never thought to let others in on our secrets (because I don’t really think they’re mind-blowing) but I guess others might be wondering how we’re able to visit so often as well.  I know that our situation is probably a lot different from others (no kids, driving distance to Disney, Annual passes, etc) but I hope that these tips will help someone who is looking to go more than once a year!

  1. Value Resorts!  Chris and I love staying at the Value Resorts.  While some people may not like the cheap look to them, Chris and I honestly don’t care.  We are only in the rooms to sleep and shower, other than that we are in the parks.  By paying an average of $70 a night (on off-season), we’re able to afford multiple trips a year!
  2. Annual Passes.  I know this isn’t feasible for everyone, especially since others may not live within driving distance like we do.  However, the passes offer fantastic benefits like 10% off purchases and extra savings on resort prices.  The passes end up paying for themselves after a couple of trips as well!
    Christmas photo 2012 @ Hollywood Studios
  3. Drive.  Again, I know this isn’t possible for everyone, but living in DC we are able to take our hybrid down to Florida whenever we want.  Ever since Dulles Airport took out their direct flights to Orlando on JetBlue, Chris and I have decided it’s easier to drive down.  We’d spend about $275+ (depending on the time of year) in airfare whereas if we drive, we only spend about $200 or less in gas.  Plus, we’re able to pack more in our car which means we can bring drinks and snacks to Disney!  HUGE money saver!

    Iron Man and Pepper Potts with Pooh and Friends
    Iron Man and Pepper Potts with Pooh and Friends
  4. Save, save save!  I love putting money aside each month for our Disney vacations.  It’s never much, but I do put away a little which helps pay for whatever we need.
  5. Wait for deals.  Chris and I always wait for deals when booking a Disney vacation.  It’s much more affordable when you’re getting $100+ off of your room a night.  It’s different for us because we have Annual Passes, but those who don’t have one can still get great deals!  Don’t ever pay full price for a room.


I have to say that one of the main reasons Chris and I are able to go on vacation as much as we do is because the type of work Chris does.  He’s a hard worker and makes good money. We are very fortunate to be in the situation we are in and I am thankful every day for all that he does to give us a great life.  I’m also very thankful that I married a fellow Disney nerd who loves to go just as much as I do.

This is a professional Disney photo from Star Wars Weekends 2013.  Probably one of my all-time favorites and a great memory to look back on!

Do you live close enough to go to Disney multiple times a year?  Any tips I left out?  Let me know!

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