5 Things Every Blog Photographer Needs

I am a huge advocate of using what you have and making the best of it when it comes to photography.  No matter what equipment you own you should always learn to use it to the best of your abilities, but sometimes that just isn’t enough.  Learning how to style your photos, what angles are the most visually pleasing, and what light to use are all important elements of a good photo.  But what else do you need to get those photos looking their best?

Enhance your blog photography with these five tools every blogger needs to achieve better photos!

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Sometimes investing in a few things for your blog photos are exactly what you need to get your photos looking amazing.  Maybe it’s as simple as buying a new backdrop for those product shots or paying a bit of money to learn a new editing technique.  Whatever it is, it’ll only help you get better!

Here are a few things I’ve bought and done that have helped me in my photography journey, and I think they’re all things a blog photographer needs!

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My number one tool in my blog photography arsenal (besides the camera itself!) is my tripod*.  If lighting is less than stellar using a tripod helps prevent a grainy photo so you don’t have to up the ISO.  It also helps to stabilize your camera if you’re trying to shoot your picture from above (like in this post).


I talked a little bit about backgrounds in my blog photography post but I feel like it’s worth mentioning again.  While sometimes dark backgrounds are perfectly acceptable to use, you really want something that is light and will draw all the attention to whatever you are photographing.  A large whiteboard from The Dollar Tree, fabric (light muslin fabric is fantastic!) or wooden backgrounds (you can make your own!) are great options if you’re in the market for new backgrounds.  You can also find fake wooden backgrounds on Etsy and get a visually pleasing affect too.

Wireless Remote

My original intent when buying a Wireless Remote* was not for blog photography, but once I started getting more serious about my blog photos I was really glad to own one!  This accessory goes hand in hand with a tripod because it will get rid of any type of movement you may cause when hitting the shutter release button.  Therefore, you’ll achieve sharper images, which is what everyone wants!

Prime Lens

You can learn about my favorite photography lenses here

I love love love my 35mm Nikon Lens* and use it for pretty much everything.  A lot of bloggers love the 50mm lens which is also another good option if you’re in the market for a new blogging lens.  The reason we love these lenses is because they are relatively cheap but produce great results.  They also have low f/stops which is how you get that beautiful bokeh background that pretty much every photographer loves!

Photography Editing Software

Now that you’ve got all the camera supplies you need, there has to be a way for you to edit your photos to get them pin-worthy!  I highly recommend the Photographers Bundle from the Adobe Creative Cloud* because you can use both Photoshop and Lightroom with it!  You can also use free software programs like PicMonkey if you’re not ready to invest in the adobe creative cloud bundle just yet!

If you’re ready to jump into the Adobe Creative Cloud* I highly suggest reading this post on how to use Lightroom from my blogging friend Madison!

What do you think?  Are there items you think I left off this blog photographer list?

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