Break Up with Auto

Over the next few weeks I’m really excited to start-up a small photography series that will empower you to switch your camera from Auto to Manual mode.  Over the past year and a half I’ve learned a lot, and am excited to pass on that knowledge on to you!

Break Up With Auto

Last year I started up the Photo Ladies group, an online community of ladies who wanted to learn how to use their cameras or how to get better at the skills they already knew.  I met so many fabulous people through that community and we were able to learn and grow together with the help of an online course called No Bad Foto.  The skills that I took with me from all those lessons were ones that I carry on every Disney trip and every photo outing.  Because of them, my photos have gotten better each and every time I shoot.  And I am so excited to be passing on everything I’ve learned to you!

Over the next four weeks I’ll be covering a few things including aperture, ISO, and shutter speed: the exposure pyramid of photography.  Mastering those three basic skills will get you on your way to more confidence and better photos!  Whether you want to learn how to take better vacation pictures, photos of your children, or just better photos in general, this series will be for you, no matter what your skill level is.

I cannot wait to start this journey with you!  Check back next Friday to find out why you need to make the switch to manual!

To read the other posts in this series, go here:

Five Reasons to Shoot in Manual
Understanding Aperture
How to Freeze & Blur Motion with Shutter Speed


    1. Thank you, Shannon! I hope this series will help you become more confident with manual as it goes on! It took me a while to get used to manual mode, but once I did I couldn’t believe how simple it all was!

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