The Best Camera Lenses for Lifestyle Bloggers

When it comes to blogging, pictures are everything.  Scroll through Pinterest and you’ll notice that the bright pictures are ones with the most repins and likes.  And why is that?  It’s because they are eye-catching, clean, and sharp.  And in the blogging world that is what drives traffic to our websites, especially through Pinterest.

In order to achieve those eye-catching pictures you need just a few things: a good camera, great content, and the best camera lenses for lifestyle bloggers.

Improve your blog photography by upgrading your camera equipment with one of my three favorite camera lenses for lifestyle photographers.

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I know there are some people who can take beautiful blog pictures with their cell phones (I am not one of those people) but I truly believe high quality pictures come from quality cameras.  And of course, quality lenses play a big part in that too.  I’ve owned my DSLR for a few years now and I’ve learned that nothing beats a nice prime lens when it comes to blog photography.  And today I’m sharing three of my favorites!

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Canon / Nikon

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I own this lens and I love it.  All of my blog pictures from January 2015 onward have been taken with this lens, and I have seen a dramatic increase in the quality of the pictures I take.  With the low aperture it gives me the nice creamy bokeh look that I love and the auto focus feature makes it super easy to get pictures that are sharp and in-focus.


Canon / Nikon

This is another lens that bloggers just love.  It’s very similar to the 35mm mentioned above, the only major difference being a tighter crop.  Many bloggers swear by this lens as their go-to as an upgrade from the kit lens because it’s affordable, gives them the coveted bokeh look, and has a low aperture.  You honestly can’t go wrong if you choose this lens over the 35.

20mm f/2.8:


DIY Musical Ornaments

This was my very first prime lens and I was so happy with it!  I initially bought it for fireworks photos at Disney World but also started using it for blog photography.  It gives you a wider shot than the 35mm which is great, but it comes with a huge learning curve due to the manual focus aspect of the lens. The 35mm also gives you a more blurred background due to it’s lower f/stop, but you can still achieve a blurred background with this lens too!

There are so many other camera lenses for lifestyle bloggers that we could talk about, but these three are my absolute favorites.  They’re all similar with just a few minor differences so you really can’t go wrong if you choose one of them.

What lens do you use for your blog photography?


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