Three Ways to Decorate Envelopes with Washi Tape

Decorate envelopes with washi tape and add some color to your snail mail!

I love snail mail.  There’s something so special and sweet about putting pen to paper and mailing off a sweet note to let someone know you are thinking of them.  With email and texts I don’t send letters as much anymore, but when I do I make sure to make a big deal out of the letter.

Mostly I leave notes around the house for Chris now-a-days, and I typically always dress up the note or the envelope itself.  He probably doesn’t mind if the envelope is dressed up or not but I do like to add color wherever I can, so those bursts of color on a plain envelope make me incredibly happy!  And now that I’m obsessed with washi tape I have a whole new way to decorate my envelopes!

Decorate Envelopes with Washi Tape | Colorful Crafts | Paper Crafts | Washi Tape Crafts | Washi Tape DIY | Holiday Craft | Address Envelopes

A lot of times I get so caught up in trying to do a complicated craft that I forget that the simple ones are the most fun.  It’s not all about weeding a complicated vinyl design or trying to figure out the best way to get vinyl to stick to a canvas (still a pain in my butt!).  Sometimes all you need is a some paper and a bit of imagination to come up with a perfectly simple and fun craft!

I knew I needed another way to use up all of the washi tape but I just couldn’t figure out what I wanted to do with it.  Yesterday I walked into Target to pick up a few things after the Toddler’s therapy appointment and saw some cute Valentine’s Day notecards starting at me from the Dollar Section.  Well, y’all know I can’t pass up Target’s Dollar Spot so I quickly grabbed the cards and a few other things and continued to shop.

When I got home I noticed the washi tape sitting on my kitchen table and had an “aha!” moment.  Using the washi tape to decorate the envelopes would be super cute, and easy!  So of course I quickly threw some designs together while the Toddler ate dinner and grabbed my camera to document the entire process.

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Check out these Three Ways to Decorate Envelopes with Washi Tape

Decorate Envelopes with Washi Tape | Colorful Crafts | Paper Crafts | Washi Tape Crafts | Washi Tape DIY | Holiday Craft | Address Envelopes


  • Envelopes
  • Washi Tape
  • Other random items from Targets Dollar Spot

For the first design I just wanted something simple so I lined the side of the envelope with washi tape.  Of course, that looked a little too plain so after I added pom poms which was exactly what it needed!  To make sure that I could still open the envelope to insert the card, I folded the washi tape underneath the opening.

Decorate Envelopes with Washi Tape | Colorful Crafts | Paper Crafts | Washi Tape Crafts | Washi Tape DIY | Holiday Craft | Address Envelopes

For the next two designs I just took the washi tape and made designs on the envelopes.  I made sure to leave room in the middle in case I wanted to address the front, but if you’re just giving it to someone who you live with you don’t have to do that!

Decorate Envelopes with Washi Tape | Colorful Crafts | Paper Crafts | Washi Tape Crafts | Washi Tape DIY | Holiday Craft | Address Envelopes

This simple craft is so easy and fun.  And the possibilities are endless!  This project would work well for holiday’s, birthday’s, or just because.  I love the envelopes, and the cards are super cute too!

What do you use washi tape for?  Would you decorate envelopes with washi tape?

Get more Valentine inspiration below!

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  1. So cute! I’ve got way too much washi tape lying around. Perhaps it’s time to send some fun little decorated envelopes to my family far away.

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