Disney Infinity Review

We’ve been counting down the days until the Disney Infinity release in our house for months. Not because we have kids that will play it, but because we wanted to play it! Anything Disney is a must have in our home, and this game was no different.

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What is Disney Infinity?

Disney Infinity is a multiplayer action-adventure console game for ages 10 and up. The game initially comes with three characters (Sully, Mr. Incredible, and Captain Jack Sparrow) that you can play with and explore their worlds.  There are a dozen of other characters you can buy, but they are sold separately.

All the characters the game comes with, plus Barbosa.
All the characters the game comes with, plus Barbosa.

You can also buy power discs (sold separately) for the game.  Characters can be powered up with four different discs at a time. These discs can affect the terrain, add special vehicles to the game, or alter a character’s statistics. As of now there are twenty different discs being sold two to a pack in a blind bag, this set is called series one.  There are plans for three series of power discs total.

There are two main modes in the game: play set and toy box. In play set you enter the worlds of the characters you play (ie: Davvy Jones locker when playing with Captains Barbosa or Jack Sparrow) and interact with them in their stories. You cannot have characters from different stories (ie: Sully from Monster’s Inc and Captain Jack from Pirates) interact in this mode. However, in toy box mode you can create your own world and have all the characters (no matter what their stories) interact with each other.

There were also two cards that came with our characters that had codes on them.  We're assuming they register our characters online so we can play them when the game comes to PC in October of this year.
There were also two cards that came with our characters that had PC codes on them. We’re assuming they register our characters online so we can play them on the computer when the game comes to PC in October of this year.

I wanted the game specifically for the Pirates interactive game play, and since we needed someone else from the movie so Chris and I could play together, we bought Captain Barbosa.

Disney Infinity

The characters we played.
The characters we played.

The game was a lot of fun!  We got to pillage towns, pretend to be a part of the Royal Navy, and fight off Davvy Jones and his fishy crew.  Chris and I also had fun shooting each other with cannons and guns (I mean, Barbosa and Jack weren’t too fond of each other at the beginning, right?!) while trying to figure out how to play the game.

It almost felt like Christmas morning.  I love getting to open fun things!
It almost felt like Christmas morning. I love getting to open fun things!

Here are some of the things we loved about the game:

  • It has a quest system.  This means that you have to talk to other people in the game and they will send you off to do missions.  These will earn you coins which you’ll need to buy stuff to help you defeat the bad guys.
  • If you’ve ever played a Lego video game, the style of Disney Infinity is very similar.
  • There is a constant split screen which makes you feel like you don’t always have to stay together. (This is great if you’re playing with an experienced gamer and you’re pretty new and slow at figuring things out!)
  • The graphic style is great!  And some of the cut scenes are done extremely well.
  • We played on the Wii U and I used the new controller which was great.  It was a little weird at first since it’s so much bigger, but I liked the fact that it has a screen so I don’t always have to look at the tv and I felt like the controls were much easier to use.

Here are a few problems we found with the game:

  • There are some pathing issues for enemies, but it’s pretty noticeable for Gibbs when he docks the ship for you (we’ve only played Pirates so far so we can’t confirm if areas of the other characters games are like this as well). This is a very minor issue though and you’ll probably only notice if you’re a serious gamer.  I’m not, so therefore I didn’t notice.  This was Chris’ observation.
  • When you play multi-player quests both people have to complete the quest at the same time. You cannot do two quests at once.

Overall, we really enjoyed playing the game. I guess we figured we were hooked when five hours went by and neither of us realized it until we paused the game for a bathroom break. Personally, I think Disney has made a great game that an entire Disney super fan family can enjoy together.

One thing I’m particularly excited about are some of the other characters we’ll get to play in the near future (Rapunzel, Woody, Buzz, etc).  You can read up on the game, the upcoming expansions, and more here.

UPDATE 8/19/13 @ 4:00 pm

Online Only Sale for Character Figures:

Wal Mart-

  • 3-pack Sidekicks for $14.96 (regular price is $29.99)
  • 3-pack Villains for $14.96 (regular price is $29.99)

In-Store Sale for Character Figures:

Toys R Us-

  • All characters are buy one get one half off (original price is $12.99)
  • Power disc packs are $4.99 and you can buy a second one for $1


  • Buy one get one half off on all Disney Infinity characters

In-Store and Online Sale for Character Figures:


  • Lone Ranger set for $17.50 (regular price is $34.99)
  • Cars set for $17.50 (regular price is $34.99)

I believe all of these deals end on August 24th.

For more information, visit this website.

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