DIY Framed Picture Display

When my mom sold my childhood home six months after Chris and I got married, I was devastated. My dad helped build that home, I grew up there and had so many wonderful memories during that time. It was really hard to say goodbye, but it was something we knew was coming for a long time. Mom just didn’t want to be there anymore. It was time for her to move on.

Because she was downsizing, a lot of the furniture and wall decor was being given away. Mom gave Sam, Julie, and I what we wanted (and asked for) and the rest was given to friends or thrown away.  A few of the items I took have been repurposed and are being used somewhere in our home.  Others are still sitting in a closet, waiting to be used.  And others were waiting to be repurposed, like this really great picture frame!

Easy Framed Picture Display by Crafty Wife

Our dinning room is almost an exact replica from my mom’s house (minus a few accent pieces and some wall decor).  When she sold her house I asked for the dinning set, because I really loved it and thought it would be perfect for family dinners at my house (and I was right!).  It was something she and my dad picked out together before he passed away, and I felt like I was bringing a piece of him into my home when she gave me the furniture.

Another thing I had asked for when she was selling my childhood home was this wooden frame and candle display she had hanging on the wall of an adjoining room.  I had always loved it and knew I wanted it to hang somewhere in my home.

Easy Framed Picture Display 3

Chris, the wonderful husband that he is, was completely okay with me bringing all of this stuff back with me (even if he didn’t enjoy carrying it all up the stairs).  After some time though, he confided in me that he wasn’t thrilled with all the candles on the wall because it was too girly for him.  I think he didn’t tell me when I first brought it home because he knew how much having things from my childhood home meant to me.  It was sweet of him, and I appreciated the gesture.  But I never want to have something in our home that he doesn’t like.  So, I began to look for other ways to decorate the wall where the candles were hung.

I decided that I wanted to repurpose the frame and use it to display pictures.  I don’t really print out a lot of pictures that I take so I am hoping that this will force me to start.  During the year I’d love to hang pictures of all of our adventures, family, and friends on the wall. And during Christmas I’m planning to decorate it with a few of the Christmas Cards we receive.

Easy Framed Picture Display  3

Making the display was fairly simple.  I just used a hot glue gun to attach transparent wire to the back of the frame and then hung my pictures with tiny clothespins I picked up from Michael’s.

Easy Framed Picture Display 4

We now have something that we both love in the dinning room, and it’s one step closer to being finished!  I know I keep saying that I am so ready to leave this apartment, but I truly believe that it’s because it just doesn’t feel like home yet.  Little touches like these, no matter how small, are making me love my home.  And I think…even though I am ready…I’ll be sad to leave when the time comes.

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What do you think?

Do you have a lot of hand-me-downs in your home?  Do you repurpose them or keep them as is?


    1. I definitely used to be that way! I’m staring small and just going from there. Trust me when I say that not everything I repurpose comes out as planned! haha Thank you for stopping by!

    1. Thank you so much! I love the idea of being able to change out pictures whenever you feel like it!

  1. I don’t have many hand me downs from my family because we were poor. My Dad had made a lot of wood crafts for me when I was little but my Mom gave them away when I was a teen shortly after he passed away. It broke my heart when I found out. I do have an Antique Korean cabinet and Vanity that has been in my husband’s family for generations. I am so thrilled that there are enough pieces for each of the kids to have a piece when they are grown. There is something special about that first place you live after you get married. It does take a while to mesh two people’s tastes and make it feel like home though. 🙂

    1. I am so sorry to hear that you don’t have any of the wood crafts your dad made! It upset me so much when my mom threw away some of the household items when she was selling the house, so I can imagine (just a tiny bit) how you felt.

      That is so cool that your husband’s family kept that cabinet! What a wonderful piece to be able to pass down. I agree, meshing two people’s styles is so hard. It’s taken a very long time to find a happy medium.

  2. My parents still reside in my childhood home. I can’t even imagine that house not being a part of my life. I don’t really have any hand-me-down furniture yet, but I will be getting several pieces from my mom eventually, including my childhood bedroom suite.

    1. It was really hard to give that house up and to know that I can never go back there. It was great to get some furniture and other pieces from the house though! What will you do with your childhood bedroom furniture?

  3. I can’t even imagine my reaction if my parents went to sell my childhood home! But it is amazing you have some pieces so that th memories can follow you where you go! This was an amazing and clever redo!!!

    1. Thank you, Madaline! It was really sad to sell the home, my dad helped build it so it felt like we left a piece of him behind. But you’re right…I love being able to take pieces with me! And they’re a constant (and wonderful) reminder every time I look at them!

  4. What a great idea! I have been contemplating how to display my favorite photos from our recent vacation; this just might do the trick. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you, Jeanae! If you end up doing something similar, I hope you’ll come back and share the link. I’d love to see what you come up with!

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