Exciting Blog News

I love my readers.  You guys honestly know how to make a girl’s day.

Earlier this week, I posted a picture on Instagram of a camera strap that I made for myself with a pocket for my lens cap.  There were so many sweet comments on the picture that I decided right then and there to give one away once I reached 650 fans on Facebook.

Camera Strap with Lens Cap Pocket

I love making camera straps.  I am pretty sure I could be considered a hoarder due to all the ones I make and then keep for myself.  There’s never been anything that I have loved to make over and over like this.  And so….that’s why I decided to open an Etsy shop!


That’s right!  I’ve decided that I’m going to sell my camera straps/strap covers.  I’m scared and excited about it.  I have no idea where this will go but that’s half of the fun, right?

As of now, I’m taking the time to make a few different versions of the straps so I can post them all on Etsy.  Once I feel like I have a decent supply, I’ll list them and open the shop! I’m shooting for the beginning of June (maybe sooner).  We’ll see!  But I’ll definitely make a big announcement when it’s finally open.

And that’s not all!  I have one more big announcement.

As most of you probably know, I’m running a small photo group called The Photo Ladies. Once a week, we do an assignment that helps us learn different photography skills.  I’ve really enjoyed it, and I’ve met some wonderful ladies because of it.  But it’s also made me realize that I want to do something with my photography.  Especially my Disney photography.

I’ve followed a few people on Flickr that are specifically Disney photographers, and am so inspired by their work.  It makes me want to be better.  And it also makes me want to get unique shots at the parks.  So, I now have my own Flickr page dedicated solely to Disney!

You can get to it by clicking on the picture below.

Cinderella's Castle from the People Mover in Tomorrowland
Cinderella’s Castle from the People Mover in Tomorrowland

After each Disney trip I’ll upload my favorite photos to my Flickr page (you can find a link to it on my sidebar).  I’m hoping to get more serious about my photography as the year goes on.  And I can’t wait to capture some awesome memories!

That’s about it for the announcements today.  I’m pretty excited about what is to come.

Have a great weekend y’all!  As we speak I’m driving down to Disney with Chris.  13 hours in a car…I can’t wait to get there!

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What are your thoughts?

Any fun plans this weekend?


  1. That’s so awesome!! Congrats on opening your shop! Let me know if you have any questions, I’ve had my shop open for a little while so I have some experience 🙂 So excited for you and your blog growth!!

    1. Thank you, Madison! I’m so nervous, and a little bit excited. haha I have no idea what to expect so you may get a few e-mails from me with questions. Thanks for offering! 🙂

  2. YAY! I for one am STOKED about you selling camera straps! I seriously was going to ask if you would make one to sell, but I was going to see if I won first. 😉 Congrats! You may want to consider checking out StorEnvy instead of Etsy. I sell my Maternity Countdown Shirts through there, and I like it, because I can design my own store and StorEnvy doesn’t take any of the money from the purchase.

    Anyway, just my two cents. 🙂 I’m excited to see all your Disney photos, too! Exciting things for you girl!


    1. Thank you SO much for the advice! I’ll definitely look into the site. I kind of want to do my research before making a permanent decision but I wasn’t even sure of where to start. I would definitely make you one if you had asked. I need to promote more so we can get up to 650 and start the giveaway. 🙂

  3. What a creative product! I can’t wait for your shop on etsy to go live … and then viral 🙂 enjoy the trip to Disney with the hubby!

    1. Thank you, Julie! 🙂 We’re heading back now so hopefully I can see you and my gorgeous niece soon? I MISS YOU!

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