Extra Padded Camera Strap

After I got my camera last year, I decided that I wanted a cute strap to go with it.  It was a really great choice to make my own because I was able to spot my camera out of a group (like when my sister took me on the WB Studios tour in California).  But, because the strap was just a cover, it didn’t have enough padding and wearing it for long periods of time made my neck really sore.  It needed more padding.

So when my camera decided to malfunction and I had to send it to NY for a repair, I knew that was the perfect time to redo the strap.  I didn’t want to just do a cover because I felt like I couldn’t get the padding I wanted with one.  Instead, I decided to make a strap using this technique I found on Pinterest.

I was able to use everything from the strap that came with the camera when I bought it.  This strap cost me less than a dollar to make.  So, even though there are things I wish I had done a little differently I’m pretty happy with my $0.94 project!

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Batting and Fabric
Batting and Fabric

  • Fat quarter from JoAnn’s
  • Original Camera Strap
  • Batting (already owned)

First, I took the ends off my old strap using my seam ripper.  Then I cut my fabric and batting, using the original strap as a guide.

Extra Padded Camera Strap by Crafty Wife

Wrap the batting around the original camera strap and sew the ends so it’ll stay in place.  I used a zig-zag stitch to keep the ends closed.

Then I sewed the tube for the actual strap. Sewing the strap took maybe 10 minutes. You’re only sewing straight lines so it was pretty easy!  The parts that took the longest were pulling the batting piece through the strap tube (my fault because the strap was a tad too small) and putting the leather pieces on the ends of the strap.  Since the holes were already there in the leather pieces I decided to use embroidery thread and sew them on by hand.  I bent quite a few needles and poked myself one too many times.  Next time, I’ll just use my machine!

Extra Padded Camera Strap by Crafty Wife

I picked a design neutral fabric because the girly fabric I wanted Chris wasn’t a fan of.  I figured that he wouldn’t want to wear a flower print around his neck if he was going to use my camera.  Because, you know, I do part with my camera one in a blue moon to let him use it.

I’m not going to lie, I’m already itching to make another strap.  This is probably my absolute favorite thing to make!  It’s so easy, quick, and there are so many possibilities with different fabric patterns!

Do you have a project that you love and would make multiple times if you could?


    1. Thank you, Dee! I’m really happy with how it came out and I’m really loving the Hounds-tooth pattern. First time I’ve ever used it and I’m so happy with it!

  1. I don’t know how to sew, but this looks pretty easy. Thanks, Teresa!

    Put A Bird On It

    1. Thank you, Daniela! It’s honestly so easy to make and takes so little time (my favorite kind of project!). haha

    1. Thank you, Sonnet! I linked up at your party, thanks for the invite!

      Frozen was amazing! This was my fourth time seeing it (twice in theaters, and now twice at home) and I love it even more each time I watch it. It’s just a really cute feel good movie and the message behind it is great! I definitely recommend it! 🙂

    1. Thank you! 🙂 They’re so easy to make (I already want to make another one!) and so fun.

  2. This is so great! Now if I only I could sew…LOL I have a really cool strap I ordered that I love but you’re right the lack of extra padding makes it uncomfortable after a day of shooting and exploring… thanks for the instructions…I may try this soon.

    1. You’re welcome! I love having a “fashionable” strap but only if I’m going to be wearing it to take a photo or two, otherwise I need some more padding. I never thought my camera would be as heavy as it is but once I hang it around my neck the weight just gets to me. Oh well…it’s all worth it to be honest! 😉

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