Dealing with a Gestational Diabetes Diagnosis
To be honest I haven’t really written a whole lot about my pregnancy on the blog. I really thought I’d be type of person who’d want to write about it and share everything I’ve gone through, but this pregnancy has been so difficult that it’s been hard for me to talk about. I don’t want to sound like I’m complaining, because I’m truly not. Even when things have been tough I have always tried to find the positive in this pregnancy. I know that I am so lucky to be going on this journey. There are so many women out there who struggle to conceive and spend years wishing and hoping for their little miracle. I in no way want to diminish their pain, because just last year I was right there with them. Then we found out about our little miracle at the beginning of the new year and our hearts were overjoyed. We couldn’t believe it was finally happening for us, and while we were scared of a miscarriage during the first trimester we still were hopelessly optimistic for our little one’s future.
If I’m being completely honest nothing about this pregnancy has gone like I thought it would. It’s been so hard emotionally and physically that there have been days where I just want it to be over. I’m tired of dreading every doctors visit and the anxiety that comes with them. I’d love to hear good news just once, that would be lovely. Even my doctor told me on Friday that he hates having to give me bad news all the time, but that’s just how this pregnancy is going for me for some reason. It’s been a hard road and one that I never thought I would travel down, but I’m trying to trust in the bigger plan and come out of all of this much stronger and wiser than before.
A few weeks ago I had to go in early for the dreaded glucose test. Last month they found my amniotic fluid to be high and were concerned that maybe gestational diabetes was the cause. I was shocked when I heard the term gestational diabetes. I know that there are a lot of women who deal with it when pregnant, but I never thought I’d be one of them. I’m young and healthy, don’t eat a lot of junk food, I’m not overweight, and I don’t suffer from PCOS. With all those things working for me who would’ve thought that my glucose test would come back as anything but normal? On the way back from my appointment I cried. I had no idea what having this would mean for the baby or for me, and I was starting to feel like my body was just an inhospitable place to cook a baby for nine months. It was continually working against me.
Chris and I did a lot of research that night about gestational diabetes and decided to go ahead and make changes to my diet before I even went in for the one hour test. That part was hard too. I love pasta, starchy foods, and the occasional sweet treat. I love my sugar-water in the morning (also known as coffee!) and have been known to drink sweet tea like it’s going out of style. I wasn’t prepared or really willing to give any of that up. But I knew it’s what the baby probably needed and so I tried to make the dietary changes. It was hard though. I’m not a big meat-eater and with gestational diabetes they tell you to eat a lot of protein and vegetables and to cut back on sugar. Chicken was my go-to, and I ate so much of it those first few days that I now get a little nauseous whenever I see a piece. Figuring out how to balance everything was going to take a while, and there were many days where I just cried to Chris because I felt like I could not handle the restrictions. I mean, all I wanted was a stinking Oreo!
I ended up failing the one hour test and was never able to finish the three-hour test the two times I took it. My body literally cannot handle that amount of sugar. Finally my OB just decided to move forward and face the facts that I probably do have gestational diabetes, and so the next step is to go see a dietician. I ended up having my fluid checked for the second time after being on my restricted diet for two weeks and we found out that it has started to go back down, which was very welcome news. Even though this has been hard, the little victories like that make every dietary change and sacrifice worth it. All I want is for my little guy to be healthy and happy once he’s born. And if I don’t eat pasta or cupcakes for the next three months in order to ensure that, I guess that’s okay with me.
There’s a mad dash to the dessert table and we’re over here like….
A photo posted by Teresa Cox (@craftywife) on
There is so much more that I want to write about when it comes to my thoughts on pregnancy, I just haven’t had the time to sit down to do it. One day, when my brain isn’t so jumbled, I’ll be able to sit down and write it all out.
For now though I am content to share small insights to what has been happening these last seven months. While I am definitely struggling with having gestational diabetes I am constantly reminded that it’s not the end of the world. It will most likely go away after the baby is born and I’ll just have to closely monitor myself the next time I get pregnant. This has also been a very big wake up call for me, because even though I have done everything right this pregnancy things still haven’t been easy. While gestational diabetes sucks and I absolutely hate it, it’s part of my story. And God gave me this story for a reason, I just haven’t figured out why yet.
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Sending positive thoughts your way! This pregnancy thing isn’t always easy but definitely is always unexpected. We’ve dealt with a few unexpected diagnoses, too, and I’m right there with you on the anxiety part. Wishing you and your little one well in these last few months!
Thank you so much Leesha! Pregnancy is truly a wonderful (but sometimes stressful!) thing to go through. I’m sorry to hear that you’ve dealt with a few unexpected diagnoses too, and I’m wishing you well also!
Sweetheart you and Chris are two very strong people. I continually pray for you and have family members that are also praying for you. When I got pregnant at 37 I had complications also but in my 8th month it all changed. You have a lot of people here for you lean on us if you need us. Love to all three of you
Thanks so much for sharing this story on your blog. I have a 2 month old and a 2 year old. During this last pregnancy I was also diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I was shocked since I had a extremely easy first pregnancy and consider myself a pretty healthy person and not overweight. Luckily, I was able to not take meds and control the diabetes through diet change but it was not easy (especially being a food blogger!) and my biggest problem was the dizziness. But I carried my healthy baby to 41 weeks with no other problems and even though everyone kept saying she would be 10lbs+ she was 8.6lbs. So stay positive and it will all be ok. The day I had her the diabetes went away. And of course it was all wroth it and forgotten once she was in my arms!
Thank you so much for your wonderful words of encouragement Nicole. It’s always great to hear that someone else had a rough time with the same diagnosis and that you had a beautiful and healthy baby once it was all over! I can’t imagine being a food blogger and having to deal with the dietary changes. That must’ve been so hard! I’m having a hard time with the dizziness too and hopefully I’ll be able to control mine with the dietary changes and no medicine as well! That’s the goal. I just keep telling myself that there’s only a little over two months left of this, so I can do it!
Hello! I am pregnant with my first child and was stunned to find out I had gestational diabetes! Like you, I ate healthy even before my pregnancy, exercised, had no pregnancy issues in the first or second trimester, and I’m 27 years old. I was so disappointed when I got the news! I am doing my research right now and stumbled upon your blog. I was just curious if you could blog about some of the foods and snacks you eat. I am terrified of hurting my unborn baby and would love some advice. Thank you’ve documenting your journey!
Hi! Thank you so much for your comment, I’m so glad that you stumbled onto this post. First, congratulations on your first pregnancy! I’m so sorry that you’re going through this as well, but I want you to know that it really is quite easy to manage. I will definitely do a blog post about what I eat and will have that go live on Friday! I recently went to the endocrinologist (which I highly recommend if you can do the same!) and he was able to ease my fears about what I could and couldn’t eat. What I also recommend is going and buying a glucose monitor to use at home (I take my blood two hours after breakfast, lunch, and dinner) so you can figure out what spikes your sugar. It is SO helpful and really does put your mind at ease. If you just want to talk about this diagnosis or have any questions what-so-ever, please reach out to me at I’ve learned a lot and am so happy to help you navigate this as well.
Thank you so much for replying! I just met with my dietician this morning and she eased so much of my anxiety. My blood sugars have all been normal thus far, so I’m very thankful! Im glad you were able to manage your GD and I wish you well on your pregnancy!
I know that this is much later than your post, but I just found out that I failed my 1st GD test. I am 41 and they made me take one early at 5 weeks. This will be my 5th pregnancy, and I have always passed the previous 1 hr tests mid-term in my pregnancy, but they say that as you get older it becomes more likely. I was wondering, what was it about the 3 hr test that you couldn’t finish? Do you get really sick? Do they give you an even more sugary drink?
Is your baby healthy now? How about you?
Hi Jenni! I am so sorry to hear that you failed. There is nothing worse than hearing you have to come back for the dreaded 3 hour test. For me, I just got really sick from it. My body just couldn’t handle the amount of sugar that’s in that little drink. You still have the same size drink, you just have to sit at the office for more blood draws for the 3 hour.
My baby had a few complications in utero but is developing just fine now! And I’m fine as well, Luckily the diabetes didn’t stick around after my son was born. Please feel free to shoot me an email at if you have any more questions! I hope the rest of your pregnancy is completely uneventful for you!
I just took a second gtt because the first set of numbers (fasting in the first) was entered in 3 points higher than what the meter read. Going off the meter at the beginning of the second test, I failed going in again. However when I test at home, my numbers are dropping to the 50’s. I go for another ultrasound on April 11th, as 28 weeks, as she is measuring 4 cm ahead. However I believe that she is either long (as we have long babies in my family) or that there is more amniotic fluid because she never moved above my pelvic bone.
Any tips or suggestions diet wise?
Hi Alexandria!
I’m so sorry I’m just now getting back to you! How have things been going for you since the last test you took?
Tips I have for your diet are just to make sure you’re eating a lot of meat and a lot of veggies. I liked to snack a lot when I was pregnant so I always had hummus and guacamole in the house that I would devour. Instead of using chips for the dip I’d use veggies (carrots, celery, and tomatoes mostly) and I also ate a lot of cheese. Some of my favorite meals were Italian stuffed peppers and red beans and cauliflower rice. Anything that has a lot of protein is what you want to eat!
Oh, and for breakfast I always had eggs with some avocado on a piece of toast!
I hope that was helpful, please let me know if you have any other questions!
I just was told that I might have gestational diabetes and I don’t even want to bother going in for the three hour test because it made me so sick I almost passed out and I threw up. Reading you post literally lifted my soul I was so hard on myself and felt like a total failure thank you for your post it made me feel not alone! Hugs!
I did the 3hr test. Admittedly, I did not handle the news very well. I was cordial to my OB over the phone and then broke down crying at work while I stared at my lunch thinking “I don’t think I can even eat you!” (it was a salad and schnitzel sandwich). This happened about 2 wks ago and I made plans, after eating my “last lunch”, to change my diet to ease things and maybe reverse my diagnosis. Pregnancy logic FTW.
To make matters worse, I have no clue what to do as I have struggled to get in contact with the diabetes educator to give me an info session and glucose meter. I don’t know if I’m eating correctly and the stress has been overwhelming. I just wanted to stay home all the time as socializing is too hard when you have to watch what you eat and not offend friends and family at gatherings. I don’t want to tell anyone due to the stigma and the guilt I feel about having GDM and the effects on my baby. My hubby has been positive through everything and has “dieted” with me over the last 2 wks while I wait for the dietician appointment. Thankfully he’s got the right attitude. It’s nice to read for other women’s perspectives what they’re feeling. It makes me feel more normal and realise that I can get through this.
Thank you so much for sharing! It’s tough being transparent but let me the 1,001th person to tell you, thank you! I was just diagnosed with GD myself and had the same exact emotions. It’s not been an easy pregnancy for me either. When I got the call from my OB’s office I held it together for a little bit on the phone with tears streaming down my face. Once I hung up, a flood came out of my eye balls and I just sat there, cried, called my husband, apologized and cried some more. As reassuring as he was, it didn’t help the fact that I was now going to have to do more, eat less of what I really craved and suck it up for the sake of my baby (which I know is just the tipping point of so many more sacrifices, I will be very willing to make).
Although my husband and I conceived conventionally, I wasn’t expecting all the issues associated with carrying a baby. I know everyone battles some things during pregnancy and like you for us, good news is like gold! The good thing is that God’s grace abounds and we know that He wouldn’t have allowed the little one to be conceived had He not a purpose and plan. Thank you again for sharing and keep up the great work!
I know the post is a little dated but it was right here, when I needed it.
One thing my daddy text me when I shared the news was “it is ok” and then he sent a GIF that said “will it be easy? Nope. Worth it? Absolutely.”, then said, “Laughter doith good like a medicine” with another GIF of a baby dancing. I cried, so hard at that but I’ve look at those messages often and smiled. It is ok.
Thank you again and I hope you and your family are doing great!!
<3 I felt so silly crying to my husband after the diagnosis because I knew it wouldn't last forever and I'd be able to go back to eating what I wanted when the baby was born. But man, hearing that I had to limit myself was such a shock and so unexpected. It's always hard to hear that not everything is going well.
I'm so sorry you haven't had an easy pregnancy. I hope that you are able to enjoy carrying your little one and that the struggles haven't robbed you of any of that. That is the hardest part. You have this vision of how pregnancy will go and it's so sad when all the ideas you had get thrown out the window.
Thank you for sharing your story with me. It's amazing that this post is still reaching and touching mama's-to-be. I'm so grateful that we can all support each other in pregnancy.
I will say a prayer for you, your husband, and that sweet baby! I am so glad you are surrounded by loving and supportive family that help you get through all of this. I know this diagnosis is hard but you can do it!
Hey thank for sharing ur story. I have it with my last two and it do hurt when u her the news. Ur body go through so much..