Get Out from Behind that Camera!

After taking a short break from our last Photo Challenge, I am back with another one!  I am so excited to share this with you all, and I hope that many of you fellow camera lovers will decide to participate along with us.

Our last photo challenge followed the lessons from No Bad Foto, and we were able to learn to use our cameras and go from Auto to Manual mode with little to no hassle.  I learned so much, and I have found that following along with lessons really helped me to use my camera more often.  It also really got me excited about the pictures I am able to capture, and I credit all of my great photos to the great people behind the lessons on No Bad Foto (as well as a little bit of dumb luck and natural eye!).

Get out from behind that camera! Photo challenge

For this month’s photo challenge, I decided to focus more on perfecting the lessons we learned previously.  That meant practicing with shutter speed and f/stops, and focusing on when to use the right ISO setting.  It also means that we should have fun and get in front of the camera more often, so I am challenging my fellow photographers to jump in the picture this month.  We have so many pictures of family and friends but where are the pictures of us?  We need to remember to hand over the camera so we can be a part of the memories too!

Get out from behind the camera!  31 day photo challenge for the month of July
Giving the camera to someone else (who knew what they were doing!) during my niece’s 1st birthday allowed me to be in a few of the photos!

So, for July I’m following a 31 day photo challenge.  That’s right!  For the next 31 days I’m going to be taking a photo a day, following these photo prompts that I came up with a few weeks back.

You can find the prompts on a Google Drive document that you can access here.

You do not have to be in every photo, but I did put in three self-portrait photos throughout the challenge so that you have to take a photo of yourself!  You should be a part of the memories too!

You can catch my weekly updates on the photo challenge right here every Sunday.  If you have a blog I encourage you to post your photos as well!

Let’s have fun with this photo challenge!  As always, you can join the Photo Ladies here and you can post your pictures to our Flickr page here.  I cannot wait to see what you all come up with!

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Happy shooting!

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