Make Faux Wood Beauty and the Beast Earrings

These Beauty and the Beast Earrings look like laser-cut wood, but they’re really made with faux wood sheets from the Silhouette Store for less than $10!

I have been obsessed with Beauty and the Beast for as long as I can remember.  As a kid I would wear my ballgown costume everywhere and my entire room was Beauty and the Beast themed up until I was a teenager and my guy friends made fun of me for it.  Even when Chris and I first started dating he brought me a Belle t-shirt back from Disneyland.  I’d like to say that as I got older I got more subtle with my love for the movie, but let’s be honest here….I haven’t.

With my Beauty and the Beast t-shirt collection growing more out-of-control by the minute I decided it was time to make something new.  And since I have a knack for trying new things at the last minute I figured earrings would be fun.  I mean, I’ve never tried making jewelry before so why not now?  Which is how I came up with the faux wood Beauty and the Beast earrings!

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Beauty and the Beast Earrings | Disney Crafts | Disney DIY | Beauty and the Beast Crafts | Silhouette Cameo Crafts | Silhouette Cameo Wood Sheets | Faux Wood Crafts

As a kid I was pretty nerdy and didn’t fit in well.  I had huge glasses (remember the “cool” 80’s style ones?) and I read all the time.  Because kids like the find all the great stuff about you and make fun of you for it, I was constantly teased.  Looking back I realize that I was awesome and they were just jealous (ha!) but also, being nerdy was not cool back in the early 90’s….so I was way ahead of my time.

One of the reasons I connected so much with Belle was because I felt like I was so much like her.  She made me feel like it was okay to be bookish and smart and that it didn’t matter if people judged me for those traits.  I just needed to keep being me and surround myself with people who liked those qualities, and I have.

Whenever there is a movie that I’m excited about I always like to make stuff for it.  I’ve almost always made t-shirts for movie premiers, but since my collection is somewhat out of control I knew I needed to do something different.  And maybe make it a little more subtle this time?

I actually found out about the faux wood sheets from the Silhouette Store and wanted to try them out just for this.  The only thing I was worried about was how small the earrings had to be.  I’m not going to lie, cutting the Beauty and the Beast earrings was a giant pain in my butt (more on that later) but I love the way they came out!

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Here’s how to make your own faux wood Beauty and the Beast earrings!

Beauty and the Beast Earrings | Disney Crafts | Disney DIY | Beauty and the Beast Crafts | Silhouette Cameo Crafts | Silhouette Cameo Wood Sheets | Faux Wood Crafts


  • Silhouette Cameo
  • Brown Cardstock
  • Silhouette Wood Sheets
  • Regular Glue
  • Earring Fishhooks
  • Earring pliers

How-to Steps

+ Make your design in your Silhouette software (the possibilities are endless!).

Beauty and the Beast Earrings | Disney Crafts | Disney DIY | Beauty and the Beast Crafts | Silhouette Cameo Crafts | Silhouette Cameo Wood Sheets | Faux Wood Crafts

+ Cut out the designs onto brown cardstock.  I cut out 10 pieces so that I had a nice thick base to work with. (I ended up using black cardstock because I had issues getting the brown to cut, beats my why!)

Beauty and the Beast Earrings | Disney Crafts | Disney DIY | Beauty and the Beast Crafts | Silhouette Cameo Crafts | Silhouette Cameo Wood Sheets | Faux Wood Crafts

+ Carefully weed and glue all the pieces of cardstock together.  Set them to the side and let them dry.

Beauty and the Beast Earrings | Disney Crafts | Disney DIY | Beauty and the Beast Crafts | Silhouette Cameo Crafts | Silhouette Cameo Wood Sheets | Faux Wood Crafts

+ Next, in your Silhouette Software, cut out 8 pieces of the Beauty and the Beast earrings on your wood sheets.  Make sure 4 of those pieces are backwards (flip horizontally) before you hit cut!  Also, make sure you tape down your wood sheets because it moves around really easily!

Beauty and the Beast Earrings | Disney Crafts | Disney DIY | Beauty and the Beast Crafts | Silhouette Cameo Crafts | Silhouette Cameo Wood Sheets | Faux Wood Crafts

+ The wood sheets have adhesive backing so you don’t need to mess with glue for this part.  Be very careful to line them up correctly as you piece everything together! (don’t forget to weed out all the unwanted pieces before attaching everything!)
 Beauty and the Beast Earrings | Disney Crafts | Disney DIY | Beauty and the Beast Crafts | Silhouette Cameo Crafts | Silhouette Cameo Wood Sheets | Faux Wood Crafts

+ Grab the fishhooks for your earrings as well as the pliers.  Attach your earrings to the fishhooks with the pliers (this took a bit of practice for me since it was my first time) and then stand back to admire your work.

Beauty and the Beast Earrings | Disney Crafts | Disney DIY | Beauty and the Beast Crafts | Silhouette Cameo Crafts | Silhouette Cameo Wood Sheets | Faux Wood Crafts

Remember that problem I told you about?

As I was using my cardstock I had to send it through the cutter (and keep adjusting the settings) multiple times.  I don’t know why my blade wasn’t cutting through the material but it just didn’t.  So I kept sending it back through hoping that it would eventually cut through.  It did thankfully!  You may not have this problem but if you do do not remove the mat, just keep recutting your material.  If you remove the mat you won’t get things lined up perfectly and all of your cuts will be off.  You do not want to waste material, it’s such a pain!

After I got the cardstock cut it was pretty much smooth sailing from there.  I say pretty much because once I glued the cardstock together it kept coming apart.  After I put the wood sheets on top I placed the earrings under books and left them for a few hours while the glue dried.  Then I went ahead and attached the fishhooks!

It wasn’t too terrible though and I’d probably do it all over again for these adorable earrings.  Just a fair warning though, do not attempt these Beauty and the Beast earrings during nap time or any other time of the day where you’ll feel rushed!  Patience and uninterrupted craft time are a must for this.

Beauty and the Beast Earrings | Disney Crafts | Disney DIY | Beauty and the Beast Crafts | Silhouette Cameo Crafts | Silhouette Cameo Wood Sheets | Faux Wood Crafts

Have you ever made jewelry with your Silhouette machine before?  How did it turn out?

Check out these other Beauty and the Beast inspired projects from my favorite bloggers!

The Grey Stuff Stuffed Cupcakes | The Crafting Nook

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