Master Bedroom Window Treatments

I am actually a little nervous to share our Master Bedroom with you.  Before I started changing things up, it was not a pretty sight.  It was not somewhere I felt like I could relax and sleep easy.  In fact, I haven’t been sleeping easy for a long time.  I like to blame it on the lack of style our bedroom once had, but I really think my brain just doesn’t want to shut up at night.  And what didn’t it shut up about?  Our window treatments.  Or rather, lack there-of.

Before I met Chris he used to work overnight shifts at his previous job, which meant he would sleep during the day.  His solution to block out the light was to use pins and hang a sheet over his windows.  When he moved into the apartment we live in now, he decided that the sheet was still the way to go.

As you can see, I was in the middle of making the bed in this photo.
As you can see, I was in the middle of making the bed in this photo.

I was used to sheers and beautiful window treatments at my parents house.  I was not used to looking at a sheet.  After a year or so, I started asking questions about the sheet.  Why wouldn’t he hang up curtains?  Why in the world did he choose a sheet?  Apparently a sheet was the easy way to go and he didn’t want to put holes in the walls.  Obviously, I didn’t care about the holes and I wanted to know when I could change it up.

Ladies and gentlemen, that conversation took place four years ago.  Yep.  I let the sheet stay up that long.  I knew I had to start small and putting tiny nail holes in the walls to hang pictures seemed like the right way to go.  Eventually I was able to hang more items and make more changes.  I felt like I was really leaving my mark around the apartment.  But I still hadn’t made any headway with that stinkin’ sheet!

So the other week I casually brought up our bedroom.  I made him talk about the colors he wanted in there and how he wanted it to look.  And then I mentioned curtains.  He wasn’t for them, but he wasn’t completely against them either.  I took that as a go-ahead and ran with it.

I bought gorgeous grey curtains from Home Goods and white sheers from Bed Bath and Beyond.  I hung up everything myself and couldn’t wait for Chris to get home to see it all put together!  Honestly?  He wasn’t too sure about them at first because he didn’t think they’d block more light than the curtains.  Oh how wrong he was!  They are excellent at blocking light and they keep our bedroom cool at night.  I love them.  And I think Chris does too.  I believe I’ve finally convinced him they were a good investment.

Master Bedroom Makeover: Window Treatments

Now, I’ve just got to convince him of a few other “improvements” to our bedroom and we’ll be all set!  I feel so much better getting that sheet off the wall and I can finally be proud to show our home to visitors.  It’s a good feeling!

Want to check out other posts about the Master Bedroom?  You can find them here!
Cute Bedside Printable

And, are there any decorating decisions your significant other made and you just can’t imagine what they were thinking?  Let me know!


  1. Such a bachelor thing to do!! Before we got married, my husband did the same thing at his apartment. Men, haha! I’m currently planning a master bedroom redo too. We’ve lived in our house for 5 years and have nothing on the walls of our room, no window treatments, nothing. So when my hubby goes on his annual bird hunting trip in October, I’m going to do a total makeover. He probably will have a reaction similar to your husband, but hopefully he’ll decide he likes it eventually.

    1. I hope he’ll come around to what you do! It’s amazing how just a few changes make the biggest differences in the room. And man….I am so glad that sheet is gone! haha It was definitely an eyesore.

  2. When I first met my husband he had a blanket covering his window, and it had a horrible print you could see from outside. I don’t get it.
    We just have blinds on our bedroom window, but now I’m inspired to get some actual curtains.

    1. Oh man! Ours was just a solid color but it was definitely not something you’d want to look out while outside. haha

  3. Thanks for sharing, I really like the new curtains. This is a true confession and I love it! Most people (including myself) wouldn’t let anyone see their “before” bedroom so kudos to you for being so brave. For us the master bedroom is always the last item on the ever growing list, however we bit the bullet recently and got a new bedframe with a mattress. I find it amazing that changing one aspect of the room can create a completely different feel for the room.

    1. Thanks, Jen! 🙂 Trust me, I was so nervous to post this because I was not proud of how the room looked before at all. Chris didn’t care but….I definitely did! I think it’s important to change things up and treat yourself every-so-often and I bet it felt soo good to get that new bedframe and mattress! I agree, changing one thing makes it feel like the whole room is different! I think that’s why I like changing things so often. haha

  4. As soon as my man and I move house (within 3 months) I’d love to start having curtains instead of just blinds! i guess thats what happens when you move in with the guy…lol

    XO Sahra
    Que Sera Sahra
    PS Be sure to enter my giveaway to win a tee or tank from By Luciana!

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