Four Reasons You’re Not Having Fun at Disney

When Chris and I went to Disney when I was pregnant last May, I honestly wasn’t sure how it would go.  I mean, I was six months pregnant and it was the beginning of June.  Hot, humid, and pregnant probably wouldn’t mix.  And not having fun at Disney wasn’t an option for us.  So I was determined to try to make the best of things.  After all, it was our babymoon and the last Disney vacation before we became a family of three!

Are you wondering why you're not having fun at Disney? There are four common causes for a bad time and easy ways to fix it!

I have always hated hearing people say that they didn’t have a good time while at Disney World.  It sort-of-kind-of breaks my heart when people pay a ton of money and don’t get the experience they hoped for.  But let’s be honest here, the trip will be what you make of it.  If you go in thinking the worst then you won’t have a good time, and you definitely don’t want that!  So throw all of those preconceptions out the window and heed my advice.  Because you don’t want to pay all that money and end up not having fun at Disney!

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You fret over the forecast

Are you wondering why you're not having fun at Disney? There are four common causes for a bad time and easy ways to fix it!

Okay, so it’s raining for part of your trip.  So what?  I’m going to let you in on a little secret.  Disney in the rain is a blast.  Usually the parks clear out a bit and ride lines won’t be as long of a wait.  Just make sure you bring panchos for your family, throw them on, and go play in the rain.  Let’s be honest here.  It’s Florida.  It’s going to rain and that’s just a fact.  Just go prepared and it’ll be fine!

You’re too strict with a schedule

While I always think it’s good to plan a little bit, you don’t want to over-plan your trip.  Leave some room in your schedule for breaks: take the kids back to the resort pool or head back mid-day for a nap or a snack at the food court.  Not allowing for your family to deviate from your plan will make everyone miserable.

You’re not using Fastpass+

Are you wondering why you're not having fun at Disney? There are four common causes for a bad time and easy ways to fix it!

I love Fastpass+.  Chris and I are big believers in it and love that we can reserve our spots in ride lines before we’ve even left our house to start our vacation.  If there is a ride your children really want to go on (like Toy Story Mania at DHS) then getting online and grabbing Fastpasses for it can really make a child’s trip.  Otherwise you’ll be standing in a really long (90+minute) line and no one will be happy.  Not fun.  So, get the Fastpass.  Just…trust me on this one.

You Can’t Let the Little Things Go

I have a big problem with this one (I’m working on it), but rude people bug me.  And for some reason they are way more noticeable when at Disney World.  People love to cut in line, push in front of you during parades/fireworks shows, and run in to you and not say sorry a lot.  Look, I get it.  It’s annoying and incredibly frustrating.  We are all paying good money to be at the parks and have a good time, but not everyone realizes that.  Try not to let those types of people upset you.  Just go about your business and forget about them!  (I know, easier said than done!)

There’s only been one time that I didn’t have a good time at Disney, and I was 18 and went with my high school marching band.  I will never forget sitting on the ground at Epcot because my friends and I were so incredibly bored.  To be honest, I didn’t appreciate Epcot until I was much older.

Have you ever gone to Disney and not had a good time?

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