September Spotlight: Macy

One of the great things about blogging is making new friends, and I had the pleasure of getting to know Macy from To Travel & Beyond this month.  Macy is newly engaged, and I love reading about her wedding plans because it brings back such fun memories for me!  She is also a lover of travel and wrote a great post for me a while ago about her trip to Amsterdam.

Macy is so sweet and such a wonderful blogger, and I am so excited to introduce her to you! I know y’all with love her as much as I do.



Hi!  I am Macy and my blog, To Travel & Beyond, is about life and traveling and everything in-between.  I love to share all of my daily adventures, whether that be a DIY craft for my house or wedding, my recent travel experience, or my health and fitness goals.  I have been blogging for about a year now and I love it, the sense of community with people from all over the world is a wonderful experience, and I can’t wait to make blog friends with all of you!

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What are your favorite posts from your blog?

My engagement story: I Said Yes!

  • Let me just say that I shed a few happy tears for her when I read this story.  So, if you’re a cryer like I am, you may want to have a box of tissues handy!

My favorite vacation so far: To Paris, With Love.

  • Paris has been on my must travel list for a while, and now that I’ve read Macy’s story I am packed and ready to go!

What pins have you been loving on lately?


I love this quote because it is exactly how I feel.  I recently went to Jamaica and the friends I traveled with are talking about going back to the same resort again and again.  Besides local weekend trips, I don’t plan on returning to one specific place until I have traveled to many more.  The world is so big, I want to see as much of it as I can!

Raven Stadium

This is going to seem odd to some, but Raven Stadium (it’s actually M & T Stadium, but I like Raven Stadium more) holds so many dear memories for me. Actually, the Ravens in general do. They remind me of my family, excitement, total happiness, and some friendly (most of the time) competition. Football season is totally my favorite season!


I just want to say thank you to Macy for sponsoring the blog this month, and I am so happy I had the opportunity to get to know her!  I hope you’ll stop by her blog to check out more of her posts.  If you want more of Macy here are a few places you can find her:

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