How to Skip Long Lines at Disney’s Pandora

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Ever feel like Fastpasses for Pandora are like magical unicorns? You’re pretty sure they exist but you can never get one! Check out these tips on How to Skip Long Lines at Disney’s Pandora, no frantic Fastpass checking required!

Skip Long Lines at Disney's Pandora - If you're sick of refreshing the Fastpass+ page and praying that Fastpasses for Pandora will magically appear, you're not alone! If you're sick of waiting for them to just show up on the My Disney Experience App but want to go on the ride anyway, there are a few ways you can skip the long lines at Pandora but still go on the ride!

I know that lines aren’t the end of the world. And most of the time I embrace them and try to make the most out of them with fun games and getting to know the people around me.

But that 200 minute wait is just not something I can get behind.

And if you’re out of luck with the Fastpasses and waiting is your only option, spending half of your day in line for a popular attraction is bound to make anyone cranky. So what’s a girl (or guy) to do when your must-do line is hours long? The answer is simple, and it’s super easy too!

Skip Long Lines at Disney's Pandora - If you're sick of refreshing the Fastpass+ page and praying that Fastpasses for Pandora will magically appear, you're not alone! If you're sick of waiting for them to just show up on the My Disney Experience App but want to go on the ride anyway, there are a few ways you can skip the long lines at Pandora but still go on the ride!

Chris and I visited Pandora way back when it first opened last year. I was never a huge fan of Avatar so I was a bit skeptical about the new land but I ended up loving it. There’s so much to photograph and Flight of Passage is easily the best ride at Disney.

I’m not kidding, the ride is ah-mazing.

I know a lot of people check the Fastpass+ page a lot to see if they can grab one of those coveted Fastpasses for the ride. They’re hard to come by and if you don’t grab them when your window opens to book them then the chances are slim that you’ll be able to grab one at all. Slim, but not impossible.

But what if you can’t get a Fastpass? Are you just out of luck?


Skip Long Lines at Disney's Pandora - If you're sick of refreshing the Fastpass+ page and praying that Fastpasses for Pandora will magically appear, you're not alone! If you're sick of waiting for them to just show up on the My Disney Experience App but want to go on the ride anyway, there are a few ways you can skip the long lines at Pandora but still go on the ride!

There are a few other ways to skip long lines at Disney’s Pandora.

+ Get to DAK before the park opens

I’m not a morning person at all so this isn’t my style but you can get to Animal Kingdom and line up for Pandora before the park opens. Once they start letting people in you can do your fast walk (don’t run!) to the ride and get in line early. My only suggestion is to PLEASE keep your party together because it’s so annoying to have one person run up to get a primo spot and have the other 5 people in their party have to push their way in front to join them.

Don’t be that person y’all. Please don’t.

+ Jump in line right before the park closes

This is more my speed and Chris and I do it with popular rides all the time. All the Fastpass people have gotten in line by then which means the line will start moving faster for non-Fastpassers. That two hour wait can easily drop down to 60-90 minutes (depending) and you’ll spend way less time in line. Plus, the people waiting at the end of the night are much nicer than those who who are waiting in the hot sun all day. We’ve made quite a few line buddies at the end of the night and it’s always fun!

+ Check for Fastpasses the morning you’re heading to the parks

While this isn’t always guaranteed I’ve found that Disney sometimes releases more Fastpasses for the popular rides the morning of. So if you’ve been checking Disney’s My Experience App every day up until your trip with no luck, you may want to try again the morning of. You may get lucky!

And on that note, keep trying every day up until your park day. People release Fastpasses all the time and you may get lucky and snatch one up!

Skip Long Lines at Disney's Pandora - If you're sick of refreshing the Fastpass+ page and praying that Fastpasses for Pandora will magically appear, you're not alone! If you're sick of waiting for them to just show up on the My Disney Experience App but want to go on the ride anyway, there are a few ways you can skip the long lines at Pandora but still go on the ride!

These methods aren’t always fool-proof and you may not always get lucky with a short wait. If that happens, come armed with a few games to play on your phone or get chummy with the people around you. I swear that line waiting is more fun when you make friends!

You can apply these rules to any of the popular rides at Disney (we’ve jumped in line many times for Frozen at Epcot right before the park closed!) so that you have more time during the day for other attractions. It really is our favorite way to get mostly everything done.

Here are a few of my other favorite Disney secrets!

Skip Long Lines at Disney's Pandora - If you're sick of refreshing the Fastpass+ page and praying that Fastpasses for Pandora will magically appear, you're not alone! If you're sick of waiting for them to just show up on the My Disney Experience App but want to go on the ride anyway, there are a few ways you can skip the long lines at Pandora but still go on the ride!

more Disney fun!

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