5 Ways to Snap Out of a Photography Rut

Do you ever feel a little burned out with your photography?  Like you’re taking the same old pictures the same old way every single day?  Okay, maybe not every single day but every time you take a photo instead!  I feel that way a lot of times when I’m at Disney World.  How many times can you take a picture of Cinderella’s Castle and get a unique spin on it?

When we were there in October I wasn’t feeling very inspired with my picture taking abilities. I honestly felt like I had taken the same picture a million times and didn’t feel like I could capture anything different.  Of course, once I got home I started thinking about it and realized there were many ways to get my creative juices flowing again.  Here are some tips I’m planning on using the next time we’re at Disney (which will hopefully be soon!).

Use these 5 simple tips to snap out of your photography rut and get creative with composition again!

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1.  Use a Prime Lens

Use these 5 simple tips to get out of your photography rut and get creative with composition again!

I love my 20mm prime lens, it’s definitely my favorite one that I own and I use it all the time. Because it’s a prime lens you can’t zoom, so you have to use your feet to capture the image you want.  Using a prime lens forces you to get creative with the composition of your photos and branch out to do things you wouldn’t necessarily do if you were using a zoom lens.

2.  Creative Techniques

A while back I wrote a post on using creative blur to add interest to your photos.  This takes an ordinary photo and changes it to something different entirely.  Try using a creative technique on landscape pictures and see the difference it can make!

3.  Commit to one lens for the entire day

Are you one of those people who likes to switch out lenses constantly to get the shot you want?  I do it all the time.  And of course, when you’re constantly changing out lenses there are chances that you’ll miss great shots because you’re distracted.  Like in point number one, using a prime lens (or even one lens for an entire day) will force you to get creative with your shots.

4.  Choose a different viewpoint

Have you ever tried looking at things from the viewpoint of a child?  Or tried standing on something to make you taller when photographing a subject?  By doing little things like that you are taking an ordinary everyday photo and putting a completely new spin on it.

5.  Use lines to your advantage

Use these 5 simple tips to get out of your photography rut and get creative with composition again!

Using lines to lead up to your subject is a great way to add some depth and dimension to a photo.  It also leads the viewers eyes directly to what you want them to see.

I cannot wait to implement these tips during our next Disney trip and to see what kind of photos I walk away with after.

What are some tricks you use to snap out of a photography rut?


  1. Great Tip Teresa!! I love getting down and lookinga t things from a different way…those shots always end up as my most creative. I hadn’t heard of the 20mm but you have definitely intrigued me 🙂

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