Gradient Wooden Easter Egg DIY with a Vinyl Saying

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This Gradient Wooden Easter Egg is bold + colorful, the perfect project to usher in Spring!

Gradient Wooden Easter Egg - This wooden Easter egg from the Target Dollar Spot is a bold and colorful DIY that is the perfect door decoration to welcome in Springtime! Use DecoArt acrylic paints to get a gorgeous gradient look and your Silhouette Cameo to cut out a vinyl phrase!

It’s starting to feel like Spring around here! It probably won’t last but we’re enjoying it while we can. And it’s making me want to DIY all the Spring crafts right now!

After a quick trip to the Target Dollar Spot (my kryptonite) I found a wooden Easter egg that I thought would be such a fun thing to experiment with. I really wanted to try to watercolor the egg but that didn’t work out as planned. So gradient wooden Easter egg it was!

Gradient Wooden Easter Egg - This wooden Easter egg from the Target Dollar Spot is a bold and colorful DIY that is the perfect door decoration to welcome in Springtime! Use DecoArt acrylic paints to get a gorgeous gradient look and your Silhouette Cameo to cut out a vinyl phrase!

I ended up looking up methods for watercoloring with acrylic paints and found a few ideas for how to make it work. Then I meshed a few different methods together until I got the effect I wanted. It turned out more gradient looking than watercolor, but I honestly didn’t use water with my paint for the first layer and that’s what messed me up.

I had to use a lot of layers of paint to get the gradient effect because I made a lot of mistakes. And I really do mean a lot. Originally I thought the paint would be light but mine turned out really dark. It never dawned on me to dip my paint brush in water to water down the paint color. DUH. Next time I’ll definitely do that!

But honestly, I’m really happy with how the gradient egg turned out. It wasn’t what I had originally planned but I’m happy with it regardless.

Gradient Wooden Easter Egg - This wooden Easter egg from the Target Dollar Spot is a bold and colorful DIY that is the perfect door decoration to welcome in Springtime! Use DecoArt acrylic paints to get a gorgeous gradient look and your Silhouette Cameo to cut out a vinyl phrase!

This project is:

  • colorful,
  • bold, and
  • perfect for Spring!

How to paint a gradient wooden Easter egg


  • Wooden Easter Egg from the Target Dollar Spot
  • Acrylic Paint (multiple colors)
  • Paint Brushes
  • Cup of water
  • Plastic Plate
  • Silhouette Cameo
  • Permanent/Adhesive Vinyl


+ Prep your wood (if you need to)

+ Paint your wood in sections, working from the bottom up. Make sure to use a new paintbrush for every color.

PRO TIP: If you want a more subtle watercolor look (instead of saturated like mine turned out), dip your paintbrush in the paint and then dip it in it the water. Blot the paintbrush so it’s not too wet before you start painting!

+ Let the paint dry halfway (it’ll feel tacky to the touch) and then grab a new paintbrush, dip it in water (then blot so it’s not overly saturated), and then lightly brush the water over the paint (this time working from the top to the bottom).

+ If you want to add a vinyl quote to your project wait until the paint is dry. I got my quote from the Crafters Delight Bundle and cut it out with my Silhouette Cameo.

+ Use transfer tape to place your product on your wooden egg. And TA-DA! You’re done!

Gradient Wooden Easter Egg - This wooden Easter egg from the Target Dollar Spot is a bold and colorful DIY that is the perfect door decoration to welcome in Springtime! Use DecoArt acrylic paints to get a gorgeous gradient look and your Silhouette Cameo to cut out a vinyl phrase!

Quick What-Not-To-Do Tips for Your Gradient Wooden Easter Egg

+ Always paint your colors from the bottom up! You can do it from the top down but you’ll have to go back and repaint the egg so that you can get the gradient look.

+ Anytime you paint with water, blot your brush! Too much water is no one’s friend and will make your paint bleed too much.

+ If you want a more subtle gradient use different shades of the same color.

Love the Target Dollar Spot too? Check out more of these crafts!

Gradient Wooden Easter Egg - This wooden Easter egg from the Target Dollar Spot is a bold and colorful DIY that is the perfect door decoration to welcome in Springtime! Use DecoArt acrylic paints to get a gorgeous gradient look and your Silhouette Cameo to cut out a vinyl phrase!


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      1. Thank you! It really does, the past two times I’ve gone to the store I’ve avoided the area because I just know I’ll find something to DIY when I’m there. hahaha

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