Baby Boy: 35 Weeks Pregnant

Last week Chris and I met a local photographer, Beth, for our maternity photos.  This was something I had been looking forward to ever since I found out we were expecting and I could not wait to get the photos done!

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All photos from this post were taken by Beth T. Photography

There was a great farm near us that has a sunflower field I really wanted to go to.  We had originally scheduled the pictures for the end of July but the fields kept delaying their opening because of all the rain we had been getting.  Luckily they opened the day we rescheduled the pictures and we were so excited to be able to go shoot there!

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Because I haven’t been that great with pregnancy updates, I decided to use the opportunity to share my maternity photos and update y’all on what’s been going on.  Because, my due date is so close and this pregnancy is almost over!

So, here’s whats been going on with me!

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The Basics

Gender:  A little man!  See our Disney themed gender reveal here.

Due Date:  September 15, 2015

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How Far Along:  Currently 35 weeks and 4 days (for the pictures: 34 weeks and 2 days)

Baby’s Weight and Position:  Last week I found out my stomach is measuring a few weeks ahead (thanks gestational diabetes) and that means the baby is big too.  We’re thinking around 7 or 8 pounds now!  He’s also breeched, and has been since our 20 week appointment.

Weight Gain: At my appointment last week I gained two for a total of 16 pounds!

Movement: Loads of movement at night from the little man!  He loves to hang out on my left side (my stomach is so lopsided!) and pushes out constantly.  It’s so bizarre to feel little feet poking out from your stomach.  And I think we have a future soccer star growing in there!

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Sleep: I’m up four or five times a night to use the bathroom now and I constantly wake up because I get really sore laying on one side or the other or because the little guy is kicking me.  And to be honest, I’m really okay with it because I love feeling those sweet little baby kicks!

Stretch Marks: Surprisingly, none!

Nausea/Cravings/ Aversions:  No nausea (thank goodness) but I have been craving loads of hummus and guacamole.  Chris comes home to find little packets of both in the kitchen and living room every day and thinks it’s hilarious.

Doctors Appointments:  Starting next week (at 36 weeks) I’ll be going in every week until baby boy is born!  I cannot believe I’m so close to my due date!

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Top Moments

+Maternity photos last week!  We just got the pictures yesterday and I am on cloud nine looking at them.  But I will admit that I never realized how huge my stomach is.  Good grief.

+I’m finally putting things up in the nursery and cleaning/organizing all the little man’s things.  It’s so fun and I am loving it!

+At my last doctor’s appointment we talked about scheduling my c-section and our tentative date is somewhere between September 1st to the 3rd!  Two and a half more weeks and we’ll get to meet our little man!

+Chris has been so sweet and it has been such a wonderful thing to watch him connect with our little guy on a daily basis.  He loves to talk to the baby and is constantly trying to feel him kick me at night.  I cannot wait to see them together after the baby is born!  He is going to be such a wonderful dad.

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