8 Life Lessons From My Parents

I am horrible at writing themed posts ahead of time.  I always forget a celebration is coming up and then it comes and goes without me doing a fun blog post.

Well, not this time!  I thought it would be really fun to combine a Mother’s and Father’s day post (mostly because I missed Mother’s Day!) all about the things I’ve learned from my parents.  Sometimes funny, mostly corny, but they’re all important.

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 8 Life Lessons I Learned From My Parents:

  1. Mom taught me to grow a backbone.  In 9th grade I really wanted strawberry blonde hair, and my mom finally agreed to take me to the salon to get it done. Apparently my hair dresser didn’t know what she was doing because when she was done I looked like Carrot Top’s hair twin.  Instead of letting me stay home, I had to go to school for three whole days with bright orange hair.  And no, there are no pictures!
  2. Dad taught me that your parents love to embarrass you no matter how old you are.  Like when your dad falls asleep during LOTR: Return of the King in the theater and snores loudly.  Living in a house with all girls is exhausting y’all!
  3. Mom taught me to always return borrowed items.  Or else you may find that your tv is a perfectly acceptable exchange for a pair of your mom’s tweezers.
  4. Dad taught me that working with your hands is the most rewarding kind of work you can do.
  5. Mom taught me that it’s completely acceptable to be silly.  I will forever love the memories of my mom singing and acting out parts from her favorite movies to get us to wake-up on those early school mornings!
  6. Dad taught me to always be kind.  And when you can’t be kind, keep your mouth shut.
  7. Mom taught me there is nothing like the love of a parent.  They’ll go to the ends of the Earth for you.  And when you’re being bullied by a teacher in school, they’ll go in and make said teacher cry.
  8. Dad taught me anything worth having is worth the hard work.  My parents dated on and off for a few years before they got married.  They’d fight, break-up, and then get back together multiple times.  When my dad proposed, they had been discussing whether or not they should break-up for good or just get married. When they told everyone they were engaged no one thought it would last.  But they were wrong.  My parents were happily married for 25 years before my dad passed away.

What do you think?

What are some life lessons you learned from your parents?  What are some lessons you hope to pass on to your children?


  1. I loved reading lesson #8. It’s great that your parents were married for 25 years, when people thought their marriage wouldn’t last based off their past break-ups.

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