Adventure Is Out There

I know that I’ve been kind of sporadic and a bit MIA on the blog lately, and I am so so sorry about that.  But to be honest, I’ve been working on a really big project.  One that has taken up a lot of my time and energy!  It’s been exhausting and trying at times, but it has definitely been worth it.  And now, I can finally share it with you!

Cute Disney themed "adventure" pregnancy announcement for a new baby!

After a year and a half of dreaming about being parents, we are finally on our way!  Our little bundle of joy is set to arrive September 15th, and we could not be more excited.  It has been a long road, one that has been hard and sometimes frustrating but I am so glad to have traveled down it.  They say that God makes you wait for a reason, and while I’m still not 100% sure why He made us wait as long as He did I am grateful for it.  Grateful because I don’t know if I would have appreciated this pregnancy if it had happened for us right away.  The struggle to conceive, the emotional toll it took on us, and the heartbreak I felt each month was hard, but in the end it made both of us stronger.  It made us appreciate the positive pregnancy test even more.  And it has made me so thankful even through all the morning sickness, sleepless nights, and extreme exhaustion.

While we are thrilled for the new addition coming to our family, I want to assure you that Crafty Wife really isn’t going to change all that much.  There may be a few more baby craft projects on here as I work on the nursery, a few doing Disney while pregnant posts, and a few thoughts on this crazy journey I’m on, but I still very much want to stay true to the original intent of the blog: to help you find your inner crafter through fun projects and easy-to-follow craft tutorials.

Thank y’all so much for sticking with me these past few months.  I am hoping to get back to a regular blogging schedule in the next week or so and can’t wait to share the things I’ve been working on!


  1. Congratulations Teresa! So happy for the two of you and now you will be able to share how to travel to Disney. The love of having that bundle will be so much fun. Take care.

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