Contributors Spotlight for 2014

I’m kind of going off-topic for today because I really want to shed some light on two ladies who have been so fun to work with this year.  In 2014 I opened up the blog to contributor and guest posts, and I was able to meet some really great bloggers through these opportunities. Madison was someone I met through #SITS and Alexis found me a few months back.  I have absolutely loved working with them and getting to know them this past year.

Contributors Spotlight with Madison and Alexis

Contributor spots are really fun for blogs because you get to shine the light on other bloggers who you really admire and respect. I was very lucky to have two bloggers who brought amazing content time and time again to the blog. I want to take the opportunity before the year ends to shine even more light on them and do a throwback to all of the great posts they’ve shared with us over the past year.

Madison blogs over at The Wetherills Say I Do and she has been a contributor on the blog for at least six months, maybe more.  She is an amazing person and I am so glad I had the opportunity to meet her in real life at the #SITS blog conference in Atlanta back in October. Not only is she the sweetest person I have ever met but she is also an amazing blogger, photographer, and graphic designer (she even designed my media kit, which can be seen here!).  She takes on so much that I honestly don’t even know how she does it all and still has time to herself!

Tips for Taking Engagement Photos | Five Tips for Shooting Your First Wedding |
Efficiently Edit Photos in Adobe Lightroom | The Best Marriage Advice |
Rules of Composition |  How to Take Photos While Traveling

I haven’t know Alexis as long as I’ve known Madison, but I am so glad that I have made another friend in the blogging world!  She is a mommy, crafter, and now a small business owner!  She recently opened up her Etsy shop and offers such a colorful array of high quality paper crafts, and she has so much Christmas stuff available!  I love her Frozen inspired holiday cards!

Alexis has mostly blogged about crafts on the blog, and I have loved seeing what she has created!  Her Halloween wreath was a huge hit and her Simple DIY Christmas card has inspired me to start making my holiday cards for the year!

Simple DIY Christmas Card | Scrapbook Art | DIY Halloween Wreath | DIY Coffin |
Disney in a Day with a Toddler | DIY Mickey Mouse Birthday Invitations

I want to send out a huge thank you to both of these amazing bloggers and women for contributing to the blog this year!  They have both brought such great content and I am so thankful to know them and to get to work with them.  I hope you’ll check both of their blogs out and send some love their way!


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