DIY Star Wars Mobile

When Chris and I found out we were having a boy he couldn’t wait to decorate the entire nursery in Star Wars.  One thing I kept promising to make (that I never got around to) was a Star Wars mobile to go over the pack and play we currently have in the baby’s room.

Celebrate the release of The Force Awakens with this easy DIY Star Wars mobile! Perfect for those Empire-loving Star Wars fans!

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I remember, as a kid, how excited my dad was when the Star Wars prequels came to theater.  He took me to see them all and I still look back and think of it as a really fun bonding experience for the two of us.  Now that episodes 7-9 are coming out, I’m excited that Chris will someday have the same bonding experience with our son.

It was really important to Chris, when we were buying things for the nursery, that little to no rebel stuff made it’s way in to the room.  He’s an empire guy all the way and has vowed that our little one will love Darth Vader just as much as his dad.  I’m more of a rebel so I’m on the outs in this family, something Chris loves to remind me of, and says I can join him over on the dark side if I want to.  Probably won’t happen, but he can dream!

Celebrate the release of The Force Awakens with this easy DIY Star Wars mobile! Perfect for those Empire-loving Star Wars fans!

With The Force Awakens out on dvd today I figured that now was a good of a time as any to share the Star Wars mobile I finally made for the little guys room.  Chris is thrilled to have one more dark side element in the nursery and I’m just hoping that our little one doesn’t grow up to love the empire.  I’m probably fighting a losing battle but hey, I love a good challenge!

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To make your own Star Wars mobile you’ll need:

Celebrate the release of The Force Awakens with this easy DIY Star Wars mobile! Perfect for those Empire-loving Star Wars fans!

I downloaded the Star Wars vectors from this website then traced the images in the Silhouette software.

Paint, stain, or leave the embroidery hoop as is to match the theme of your nursery.

For the images I cut out the silhouette in white card stock and then the actual image in black.  That way I had something to attach the black cut-outs to (it made the images heavier and looks better in my opinion!).

When you tie the fishing wire to the embroidery hoop, make sure you cut a very long piece, and tie the middle of the piece to the embroidery hoop.  That way you have a long piece on the top and bottom.  The long top piece is what you’ll use to attach the mobile to the crib later on!

Now comes the most tedious part….attaching the cut-outs to your mobile.  Get a teeny tiny hole punch (I have this one

Once you’re done attaching the cut-outs you’re ready to hang this over your crib!  We currently don’t have a crib (just a pack and play), but this is how we’re planning on doing it once we have one:

  1. Remember those long pieces of fishing wire that have been tied to the hoop and left alone (they should be at the top)?  Pick them up and tie a giant knot in them.
  2. Cut off any excess wire.
  3. Since we have a mobile that was gifted to us, we’re just going to take the little hook that you hang the mobile from off of it and use it to hang our Star Wars mobile.
  4. If you don’t have that, I suggest hanging it from the ceiling!  No lie, I think that would be amazing!  All you’d have to do is make the fishing wire extra long so that it can hang down over the crib.  The bonus of doing it that way is that you can adjust the height as your child gets older!  That way they can’t stand in their crib and grab at it.

Celebrate the release of The Force Awakens with this easy DIY Star Wars mobile! Perfect for those Empire-loving Star Wars fans!

While the Star Wars mobile is incredibly simple it does the job and is a really fun way to bring a bit of the dark side into the nursery!  Because, as Chris puts it, you need a little bit of the dark side in your life.

If you love this Star Wars mobile and need more things like it in your life, check out this delicious treat!

Star Wars Bark Candy from Sugar & Soul
Star Wars Bark Candy from Sugar & Soul


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