Fabric Covered Corkboard

I’ve had this project in the works for months.  Even before I decided I wanted to completely make-over my desk, I knew I wanted to cover my corkboard in fabric.  I thought it would add some much-needed color and visual interest to my work space.  And when you have white apartment walls, you want to do whatever you can to add color in every place possible.

This project was incredibly easy.  It only took about half an hour to get the entire thing done.

All you need is…


  • Corkboard
  • 1/2 yard of fabric (or more depending on how big your corkboard is)
  • 24 count box of decorative nails (I bought 4 boxes but only needed 3)
  • Heavy Duty Spray Adhesive
  • Staple Gun and Staples

I have to say that I was most excited to use my new staple gun.  I felt like a legit blogger when buying it at Lowes.  The employee who helped me asked if I was a blogger the second I asked where to find a staple gun.  Apparently he works with us blog d-i-yers on a fairly regular basis!  haha!

So, here is how I made my corkboard…

First, lay the fabric right side down and spray all over with your spray adhesive.  I over sprayed, but that wasn’t a problem because once the glue dried you couldn’t see it anymore.  (I didn’t get a picture of this step!)


Lay your corkboard facing down on the fabric, and fold the fabric onto the back.  Fold the edges like you’re wrapping a present, it’ll give it a nice clean look.  I didn’t worry about cutting the edges of the fabric to make them nice and pretty because I was just going to fold them behind the board and staple them to the back.

Use your staple gun and secure the fabric to the back of the board.


I didn’t get a picture of this step, but once the fabric was securely on the board I turned it over and began placing the decorative nails on it.  I laid the corkboard on top of my fabric cutting matt and used the ruler as a guide to place the nails one inch apart from each other.

Fabric Covered Corkboard by Crafty Wife

Then, I hung it on the wall!

I’m very happy with how it looks by itself, I’m just not sure if it goes with the rest of the desk decor.  My husband says it does, but I need other crafters opinions!  I love Chris, but I know that sometimes he doesn’t want to hurt my feelings (especially if I’m excited about something) so he sugar coats his opinion a bit.  Please don’t do that!  I need your complete and honest opinion!

Have you ever been excited about a project and then when it’s done find out that it’s not exactly how you envisioned it to look in the space?


  1. Maybe stencil on flowers in the colors of your desk chair or different colors of pinks so that it ties it all together?? Maybe even something as simple as ribbon in those colors? I think it looks great though! Love the studs!!

    1. Thank you! The studs were a spontaneous purchase but I think they turned out really well!

      I have to admit, when I first bought the paint to stencil on the flowers I thought it would match the chair better. I was a little disappointed it wasn’t as grey as I had originally wanted. But, in person, they do pull the yellow/gold color out of the chair! It’s so hard when it’s cloudy outside to take a great picture for the blog (especially when we don’t get great natural light in the room I’m in in the first place.

  2. I like the chevron stripes with the floral (I’ve seen a lot of decor lately that pairs multiple busy patterns so long as they all have similar colors). I would just suggest bringing in another item that has the main colors of the chair as well as the dusty pink of the chevron stripes board to tie the colors together and relate the pieces all to each other. The chair and the board need to be connected with another item of common colors so that they aren’t standing alone against each other. That’s just my opinion and how my anal retentive mind has made sense and justified, even grown to like different patterns together – they just have to have coordinating colors 🙂 make sense?

    1. It’s so funny that you’re the fifth person today who has said the chevron is pink! I didn’t realize when taking the picture but they really do look that way. 🙂 In person, they’re actually grey and I bought the fabric specifically because it went with the grey in the chair. haha I need better lighting in the house so we don’t have to play the color guessing game anymore!

      You’re right, when using different patterns I should make sure the colors match so it pulls them together. I think, if we were able to paint, that using a light mint green (to match the chair) to paint the walls with would make me like it more. I also think I just need to start hanging stuff on it and using it so I can get used to it.

      Thanks for the suggestions! 🙂

  3. Teresa,
    Like I mentioned … I’m sort of in love with this corkboard already. I have that fabric on hand. I have a corkboard. Just need those nailheads, and I see this in my future!

  4. Teresa, I think it turned out great, you paired the two patterns really well and your stenciled holder looks great with it. I LOVE mixing patterns and different shades of gray together. You will probably like it more when you start putting things up on the board. Why don’t you try to find a quote or something with a mint background to pin up (sort of more permanent decor). How do you feel about spray painting that frame on the side wall mint? I’m in a rental right now and it kills me EVERY day not being able to paint our walls. 🙁 EVERY DAY!!! I really, really, want gray walls. LOL
    Can’t wait to see more pictures.

    1. Thank you, Kathryn! I’m trying to go outside my box and start mixing patterns and colors, trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t. It was my first time so I think that is why I’m having trouble figuring out if I like everything together.

      The picture on the side of the wall is a gift from my parents when I was born, so I wouldn’t want to change anything about it. But I may find another place for it and put something colorful in it’s place!

      I really want gray walls too! It’s my dream to do that once we buy a house. Well, it’s my dream just to have color on the walls at some point! haha White is just so bland. If I never see a white wall again I’ll be incredibly happy. 🙂

      I love the idea of putting a quote on the board. Off to Pinterest I go to find the right one!

      Thanks for the suggestion!

  5. I really like it!! I think it might look weird to you because it’s a large statement piece that’s up there all by itself. I say take a trip to ikea and get some funky gray and colored wall decorations to hang around the board so it’s not by itself!

    1. Thank you, Brittany! I think that’s exactly why I think it looks weird. I’m just not used to something like that on the wall. I’m always up for a trip to Ikea, great idea!

    1. Thank you so much! I really love the decorative nails too. They just add a little visual interest to the entire thing. I’d love to see your version if you attempt it! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. This is such an easy way to add some color to your walls. We just moved and are trying to plan out our office space. This will definitely be on my to do list to change up our cork board. I’d also love to do sometime similar, but with hooks for my jewelry. #SITSblogging

    1. I agree! We live in an apartment that we can’t paint so it was kind of a shock to see all that color staring at me every time I sat at my computer. But, I’m now starting to get used to it and love it! I actually wish I had done it sooner! I hope you’ll share your office space once you finish it! I love seeing how others decorate their spaces.

      And, doing this with jewelry would be amazing! That’s a great idea. 🙂

  7. I think this turned out great! I love making these “boring” office items personalized. Great job! Stopping over from the SITS comment love tribe.

    1. Thank you, Tiffany! I love personalizing my office space and making it my own. It’s so satisfying once everything is said and done. 🙂

  8. This board reminds me of the ones we made while in college. I think its super cute and fun. #SITSBlogging

    1. I was a horrible DIY’er at first, but now I love it! I’m still not great, but I’m learning as I go. Definitely try this! It’s so easy and fun. Let me know if you give it a try!

    1. Thank you so much! Now that I’m re-doing my blogging nook, I LOVE the space! It looked so drab before but now that it’s getting organized and “beautified” it’s great. 🙂 Have a great week!

    1. Thank you so much! I’m starting to love it more and more each day. I think I just had to get use to color on the wall!

  9. I’m totally getting ready to do this for our church classrooms….thanks for the post. Yours turned out so well. Also, I’m stopping by to say Hi from the Linkin up party! Hi!

    1. Hi! Thank you! I really do love the way the corkboard turned out! I hope you stop back by and leave a picture of what yours turns out like. I’d love to see it!

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