How to Host a Pinterest Party

Two years ago I hosted my very first Pinterest Party.  I had no idea what I was doing and was pretty stressed out about throwing it.  Pinterest should have become my number one source of information for the party, but at that time there weren’t that many articles on those types of parties and how to throw them.  I had to figure a lot of it out on my own, and it was a long (and sometimes stressful) process.

When I was asked to host another party this year, I was ready and excited to do so!  I could finally put all those hours of research and the lessons I learned from the last party to good use.  If you’re thinking of throwing your own party but have no idea where to begin, I’m offering a few tips on how to get started.


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1.  Peruse Pinterest

How can you get ideas for a party without searching through Pinterest?  It’ll become your best friend during the planning process and you’ll find so much inspiration on there!  I usually make a board specific to the occasion and pin whatever I find to it.  I love that it helps me keep all my thoughts and ideas organized!

Follow Teresa @ Crafty Wife’s board Pinterest Party 2014 on Pinterest.

2.  Pick a theme

The great thing about Pinterest parties is that you can have them all year round so the themes can be so many different things.  This year I went with Christmas, but only because I really wanted an excuse to put up and decorate my tree.

3.  Pick a craft

If you’ve followed my blog for a while you’ll know that I love wreaths.  Making them, staring at them on Pinterest, coveting all the beauty on my neighbors doors….you name it I’m obsessed with it.  So, when I was asked to throw another party I knew right away that we would be making wreaths (again).

4.  Decide on food

Two years ago I had all the guests bring a side dish for all of us to try along with the recipe written down on notecards for the rest of us to take home if we loved the dish.  We had so much food that there were plenty of leftovers, and everything tasted heavenly!  It took a lot of pressure off of me as the host because I didn’t have to worry about buying and preparing a ton of food too.

5.  Pick out decorations

You know the old saying, “keep it simple stupid”?  I definitely think that applies here. Going overboard with decorations will only stress you out and add on to the million other things you’ll have to do before the party.  Just remember that everyone will be so busy eating, drinking, crafting, and talking that they won’t really be focused on the decor.  That’s okay! And, in all honesty, that’s what you really want anyway.

6.  Decide on party gifts

As a thank you for coming, I always like to give my guests a little something.  This isn’t something you have to do, but I think it’s always a fun idea!  Don’t go big, do something small. Give gifts in a mason jar, a glass etched with the guests name on them, or anything else that’s small!

7.  Charge your camera battery

At my first party I didn’t have my nice DSLR or even a good point and shoot (I wish I did!) so the pictures were all taken on a cell phone.  Definitely less than desirable but it was all I had at the time.  Be sure to charge your camera and take a ton of pictures at the party.  You’ll all love looking back on them after the party is over!

The most important thing is to have fun!  Don’t get so wrapped up in the preparations that you’re too stressed out to enjoy yourself.  If you’re feeling overwhelmed, ask someone to co-host with you.  That way not all of it is put on you!

Have you ever hosted a Pinterest Party before?  What are your tips for making it successful?


    1. I’m so glad, Erin! I’m throwing my second one tomorrow and I’m excited to get together with the girls and craft. Now I just have to clean the house so it looks somewhat presentable for tomorrow…haha

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