Paper Mache Christmas Decorations

Last week I wrote about why we went all musical with our Christmas decorations this year. It’s been a lot of fun to make my own decorations to go with the theme, and I am so inspired by all the great Christmas tunes that are now hanging out in our home.

Paper Mache Christmas Decorations

Some of my favorite Christmas projects on Pinterest have been made with paper mache cones.  Not only are they cheap projects but they also just look really cool.  I was determined to make my own paper mache Christmas decorations this year, and I couldn’t be happier with the way they turned out!

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  • Sheet music, I got mine off-line
  • Paper mache cones, different sizes
  • Antique mod podge
  • Fine white glitter, Martha Stewart
  • Paint brush

Paper Mache Christmas Decorations

How to make them:

  1. Paint the backside of the sheet music with mod podge.
  2. Starting at the bottom of the cone, wrap the sheet music around it until it’s covered.
  3. Keep wrapping pages of the sheet music around the cone until it’s completely covered.
  4. Once all the paper is dry, lightly coat the cone in more mod podge and slowly pour glitter over it until the entire cone is covered with sparkles.

And there ya go!  Now you have some simple yet beautiful Christmas decorations to display around your home.  Mine are in a coveted spot on our mantle, and I walk by them every time I head into the kitchen.


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