How To Discover The Photography Niche That’s Right For You

Three years ago, if you had asked me what type of photography I would love to get into I would’ve said lifestyle. I had big dreams of booking clients, shooting in amazing locations, and getting to capture picture perfect memories for families and friends. Little did I know that lifestyle photography wasn’t for me, and I was about to discover the photography niche that was right for me.

If you're unsure what photography niche is right for you, try switching it up and try all the styles until you find your perfect fit! Here's how...

Finding my photography niche was a bit complicated for me, because I couldn’t bring myself to give up on my dream of lifestyle photography. I really thought that was where I was being pulled and kept trying to go for it, even though I secretly didn’t like it. I would get frustrated whenever a picture didn’t come out just right and overwhelmed at the thought of props and locations. But still I pushed on. I thought that if I just gave it a little more time that I’d eventually learn to love it. It wasn’t until I realized that I shouldn’t have to learn to love the style of photography I was going for that I was able to walk away from it. And to this day it’s still the most valuable lesson I’ve learned.

Finding my photography niche was not an overnight discovery. In fact, I still think of it as ongoing because the more I learn the more I love. If you’re struggling to find your photography niche, here are three questions you should ask yourself.

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Do you love what you’re shooting?

When I know a Disney trip is right around the corner I start to plan all the pictures I want to take. If there’s an angle on the castle I haven’t tried yet, I add that to my list. If there’s a ride I don’t have any pictures of, I add that to the list too. If you’re not excited about the prospect of what you’ll be shooting, try branching out into other areas of photography. You may find you love a style you never would have tried otherwise!




While Disney photos don’t typically change too much, I have gotten better at my composition and editing.  The one on the left was edited last Spring and the one on the right was edited earlier this year.

Do you find yourself wanting to practice with your camera often?

I personally go through spurts where my camera is like my third hand, and then other times I don’t pick it up for weeks. When I’m uninspired by whatever i’m shooting I am completely uninterested in my camera. That’s when I know I need to shift my focus and find a style that makes me love using my camera all over again.

Have you tried shooting multiple styles to see which one you like best?

You’ll never know which style will jump out at you. I thought I was solely a landscape photographer until I started doing stylized photography. I absolutely love stylized photography because it allows me to get creative with props, which really can help elevate your photos if you do it right! But I never would have known that if I hadn’t started to branch out and explore other styles.




As I practice I continually get better at stylized photography.  The one of the left is my most recent picture and the one on the right is one of the first ones I did (many months ago).  

 Don’t do what I did and confine yourself to one photography style! There are so many to choose from and it’s completely acceptable to love more than one. Finding your photography niche should be a fun experience, exciting, and full of experimenting!

Have you found your photography niche yet? What do you love shooting with your camera?

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