Blogger Spotlight: Alexis

Alexis is my contributor and was also a sponsor last month, and I am so excited to share more about her with y’all!


Alexis blogs over at AlexisKrystina, a creative lifestyle blog.  She loves Disney and is super crafty, so of course I’m a huge fan of her blog!  I’ll let her describe what her blog is in more detail though!

My blog is all about creatively inspired living!  During the day I work as an accountant, but at home I’m Martha Stewart – or at least I pretend to be!  I do a ton of crafts and I love making everyday things fabulous by injecting them with creativity (I still haven’t found anything creative about laundry though).  So many things inspire me all the time and I hope to inspire others by sharing my love for crafting, cooking, entertaining, parenting, and homemaking.

You can check out a few of her recent inspiring posts here:

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And….because I love getting to know my sponsors, I wanted to find out what Alexis was looking forward to this Fall (and her answer is pretty cool!):

This Fall I think the one thing that I’m most looking forward to is hosting my first ever murder mystery party on the 25th (and blogging about it, of ccourse). I’ve always wanted to host one or go to one because it seems fun and it’s definitely different! I think everyone’s going to have a great time and I’m super excited to introduce everyone to this type of party! If all goes well, this might become a tradition! 🙂

You can find Alexis over at her blog, and you can also find her on these social media sites:

Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Bloglovin’


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